Chapter 10: Town

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YEAH! After two months it continues! :D 

Quick reminder: Some parts in the story happen outside of Eclipse's point of view so he will not know unless stated otherwise but this will be mentioned in various ways to bend into the story but it is clearly visible. This is only for a better understatement of the story.

A few weeks ago, Beacon Academy, Eclipse PoV

What happened in the headmaster's office yesterday? I can't remember what happened but I know that general Ironwood wants my sword and that he would give me a replacement, although I don't know what weapon could replace a superweapon according to my aunt's words. It doesn't matter, the voices in my head are right... I shouldn't trust them... but what should I do? My train of thought was then interrupted by Yang who was sitting next to me in Dr. Oobelck's class.

Yang: "What's up with you Eclipse? You are so... absent are you okay?", she whispered.

Is she worried about my wellbeing? Is my worrying that obvious? Anyway, she should rather look after Blake because she seems to be also a bit distressed lately.

"Yang, shouldn't you rather care for Blake? I appreciate that you care for me but I think Blake needs you more than I." I whispered back with a small smile.

Yang: "Well if you say so, but if you need someone, I'm your girl!", she replied with a bright smile.

But it seems like she was a bit too loud because Oobleck seemed to notice that and coughed to get our attention back. After half an hour, the lesson ended and so did the school day. Everyone was heading to the cafeteria to get something to eat, or the library because they needed to study. There were also a few students who went in the direction of the dormitory. I thought for a moment and since I'm hungry and still have something left for cooking, I also went to my dorm, but then I got these thoughts again, the thoughts of the general and headmaster or someone else trying to steal the Xuanyuan from me... So I decided to go to the locker rooms where every student stored their weapon and combat attire. At first, I slowly walked but then...

???: "What makes you sure that your sword is still there?"

???: "They could have unlocked your locker and simply take it away from you!"

Two voices called in my mind with the addition of a slight headache... Ozpin is the headmaster so he must have a way to open everything in this school, so I increased my walking speed and ran to the lockers. 

Arriving there, I entered the pin code and the locker opened itself and revealed my Xuanyuan Sword. I sighed in relief... But to think that the headmaster would steal it from me... am I getting paranoid? And is this even wrong after that approach of the Atlas general? I any case I'm taking my sword... oh and my armor.

With Ozpin and Ironwood, Headmaster's Office

Ozpin and Ironwood were both looking at a holographic screen on which they saw Eclispse holding his head as it would hurt him before he ran off in the direction of the lockers.

Ironwood: "What is this child doing?"

Ozpin: "I don't know but it seems like he's heading to the lockers."

The two headmasters continued to watch Eclipse running to the lockers. Both of them were curious, although Ozpin had a slight guess why Eclipse went to the lockers. And he was right when Eclipse took his sword.

Ironwood: "Is he taking his sword with him? Why?"

Ozpin: "Mhm, I guess it has something to do with your interrogation from yesterday. It can be that he doesn't trust us and thinks that we could simply take his weapon from him."

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