Chapter II

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Von Gunther’s assault does not end at Bolling Base, however. Over the next few days, American embassies in the former Nazi occupied territories of Belgium, Poland, Austria, and Germany are attacked in kamikaze fashion causing widespread panic in Europe. As the hysteria continues in Germany, Maru arrives at Stuttgart Airport from Osaka carrying nothing more than her backpack, briefcase, and a hunch on where the Nazis are located.

Diana and Steve are taking a walk to Darnell’s office. They both wear black armbands on their uniforms to honor the pilots who were killed during Von Gunther’s surprise attack. 

“How many more funerals will be attending this week?” Diana asked.

“We’ve just been to one. The next one will be this weekend and the other two are scheduled for the week after. Although, I have a feeling I won’t be making those,” Steve said.

“General Darnell did say this is a mostly German conflict that they would handle. We only need to protect our airspace.”

“Angel, here’s your second lesson about America. When our country is in conflict, never pay attention to what politicians say because terms are always subject to change without notice.”

They reach Darnell’s office where Steve enters alone, closing the door behind him. Diana, seeing Etta bored at her desk, goes to keep her company.

“Hello Ms. Candy,” Diana said.

“They’re shipping Steve off,” Etta said.

“How do you know that? Is that what General Darnell told you?”

“No. Anytime officers want to talk behind closed doors, it’s never good.”

In Darnell’s office, Steve sits in a chair while Darnell looks outside the window. 

“Of all the problems we still have in this world, I never thought we’d have to deal with Nazis again,” Darnell said. 

Darnell looks at Steve sitting quietly.

“I see our guest is adjusting to life in the States nicely. Now she’s only causing trouble once a week.”

“Sir, with all due respect, I would like to know where I’m being sent,” Steve said.

Darnell sits down, clasping his hands together.

“You are leading a squadron into Bornholm. The C.I.A. in conjunction with intelligence from Germany and Austria has traced much of the terrorist activity from that tiny island outside of Germany. Are you up to the challenge?” Darnell asked.

“Of course I am sir,” Steve said.

Steve spends the next few days talking to military commanders in preparation for the mission. At first, Steve would not let Diana out of his sight, but now she only sees him sporadically. Even at Steve’s apartment, they barely speak to each other. The day before Steve is set to start his mission, Diana sees him sitting quietly in the living room looking at a picture of his grandfather.

“I think I should go with you to make sure you don’t get killed,” Diana said.

“That will not be necessary,” Steve said. “I can handle this myself. Plus, you’re supposed to be laying low remember?”

“I remember seeing you get shot out of the sky.”

“That was a sucker punch. It’s not going to happen again. This is not the air show, it’s a full on assault.”

“If you are so confident, then what does it matter if I tag along?”

“Because Paula Von Gunther is not Silver Swan and Nazis are not Amazons. They are men with guns and aircrafts and they’ll be beaten by men with guns and aircrafts. Besides…”

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