oh no

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Zes Pov

The sun rises and I start to wake up. I slowly open my eyes and look around realizing I'm on the floor. All the memory's from last night come rushing back like a horrible nightmare. I sit up and look down at my clothing that is now covered in blood. I'm going to need to change before I can walk out.

I can hear Chilled start to wake up. I look down to see him scrunching his face up in pain. I kneel down next to him.

"So your part of the mafia? That's what you couldn't tell me?" I ask tears threatening to fall.

"Yea, If I did he would kill you. I couldn't let him kill you. I'm so sorry you had to find out like that." He says a single tear running down his cheek.

H-he was going to make y-y-you kill m-me." I say not believing my own words.

"I would never do it, no matter how much he tortured me." He says tear streaming down his face.

"Promise" I say looking down at the ground.

"I promise." He says


"Can I barrow some cloths?" I say needing some thing to wear.

"Yea." He says pointing back into his bedroom.

I walk back into his bedroom and walk over to the dresser.I grab a pair of pants and shirt. There way to big, but I'm going to have to make it work.

I walk back into the living room to see if Chilled needs anything before I leave.

"You look adorable." Chilled says looking up at me.

"D-do you need anything before I go?" I ask, blushing at his remark.

"Just hang him please." he says looking at me worriedly.

"I'll try." I say as I walk out the door into the town.

There is no way I can convince the town on my own, I need to find smarty.

I as I walk around looking looking for smarty, I see Tom talking to Pewdiepie. I run behind a house hoping he didn't see me.

I peek out from behind the house to see that he was gone. I slowly come out from behind the house and continue my search for smarty.

It takes me awhile but I finally find Smarty.

"Smarty!" I say out of breath.

"Yea? OH MY GOD!" He yells as he turns to look at me.

I give him a confused look.

"Um..... Ze, why do you have blood on your face?!" He asks backing up.

"Just come here." I say grabbing his wrist and pulling him away from the crowd.

"I need your help." I say looking up at him.

"No, you answer my question first." Smarty says with a worried look on his face.

"I know who the Godfather is because he shot chilled last night, right in front of me. that's why there's blood on my face..." I say almost whispering.

He doesn't say anything he just stands there, wide eyed.

"I need you help to convince the town to hang him. please. I beg, really needing his help.

"Who's the Godfather." He says not making eye contact with me.

"Tom..." I say looking down at my feet worried he wont believe me.

"T-Tom?" He says in disbelief.

"Yea. If we don't hang him then both me and Chilled die. Please help me." I say.

"O-ok, but how are we going to get them to believe us?" He asks still unsure.

"I have no Idea" I say sitting on the ground, feeling overwhelmed.

Chilleds Pov

The pain in my chest is hard to tolerate. it feels like someone is repeatedly punching me. I have tryed to get up accuple times... bad Idea. So I just lay on the floor, not the most comfortable place to be, but its better then the pain of getting up.

About an hour after Ze leaves I hear the front door open. I can't see who it is. Please let it be Ze.

"Good morning" I hear Tom say from behind me.

Oh, no.

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