Phone Call

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It's just a normal morning for Mr. Miya, just doing some paperworks and stuff, He's actually been so stressed lately because of so many paperworks to do, well he can't just abandon them cause his company will be in all loss. Hmmm yes HIS company. Miya's are famous in food industry, they have a large business.

Miya Osamu, his son is currently a high school student, he want to take culinary, well it's expected 'cause of their business, He's the only son of the Miya Family (or so he thought), He's a good student with a good reputation. He's perfect in the eyes of many people, he have the wealth, friends, the talent, and so much more.

Mr. Miya is disturbed by the sudden ring of his phone.

Detective Fross calling

The moment Mr. Miya saw the caller id he immediately picked it up hoping that he will hear any news today.

"Hello detective, why a sudden call?" Mr. Miya said with his usual tone, " Hello Mr. Miya, I just want to say that you will hear a very good news today", Mr. Miya's hope risen up because of this.

The next words that Mr. Miya heard from the detective made him burst into tears, tears of joy, excitement, and other emotions that he's feeling right now, he Doesn't know how to react by this sudden news but, at last, this is the moment that he and his wife is waiting for so many damn years.

"Mr. Miya, we found him"

"We found Miya Atsumu"

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