Chapter 52 - Return

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---I'm sorry this one is a bit late. Thank you to anyone who Reads, Votes, Shares or Comments. It makes my day!---

The next day was similar to the last with all of us eating together at the same table. Remira talked about her BL books, making everyone at the table uncomfortable, though it did give some great laughs. 

Right before I was about to head home I was called to the principal's office. I was frightened the whole walk there, and even when I sat in the chair, until the principal explained why I was there.

"Sorry to call you in like this but I have something I'm supposed to give you." He said handing me a little envelope. It says its from... Gallery Auffry, addressed to me? Would that happen to be his mother?

I opened it up, curious, and read it as I returned to the exit of the school.

I'm so sorry my son has caused you so much trouble. We used to live in this town some years back, but when we found out Zeal was mentally unstable we moved to get him help, the type not offered in this town. He seemed to be making a lot of progress. Recently my mother's sickness has been growing worse so we decided to move back to be with her. I assumed Zeal was well enough to go back to school so I let him. He's been able to keep himself stable in stressful situations so I turned a blind eye. But it seems he's been deceiving me, making me think he's been taking his medication. Little did I know it was all an act. I feel so bad as a parent for not realizing he still needed help. I'm writing this to apologize, for not only him but myself, and I'm asking that you don't hate him. He didn't choose to be this way, its unfortunate for everyone, including himself. I'm not asking you to forgive him, or me for what we've put you through, but I ask that you don't hate him.

I grew a huge smile after finishing the note. I don't hate anyone I assure her in my head. Everything seemed to be making sense now. I feel bad for what she seems to be going through. All of this must be hard on her. She seems like a better parent than she makes her self out to be.

Liam saw the smile on my face and asked why I was wearing the look. I handed him the note and he read it on the way to the car. He looked shocked once finished.

"I never imagined this to be the case. He was actually insane." He wore a look of pity.

We made it to Liam's house and enter through the door. It was becoming very familiar, almost like I lived here. I helped Marie in the kitchen. We made spaghetti and the famous blueberry muffins. We set the table and called Marvin down, Liam was already in the living room playing the RPG I bought a couple of days ago. He hopped off the couch and took his place at the table. Marvin followed behind. We ate the warm delicious food and chatted.

Marie stood from the table a moment later and headed back into the kitchen. We had all finished eating and just sat at the table and continued to chat. Marvin is a really cool guy, he didn't even have to try, it was just natural for him which I envied. He had a way with words that just drew people in, making them want to listen, that's probably how he got Marie to marry him. A few minutes after Marie left for the kitchen she returned with a plate of muffins.

"Desert!" She announced in a cheeful voice.

Liam and Marvin looked excited at the sight of more food. We all grabbed a muffin, leaving three on the plate. The taste of the sweet blueberries against the fluffy vanilla bread made brought a smile to my face, the others wore looks of joy as well. After much moaning me and Liam took turns showering and headed to his room. We were in the middle of a conversation when my phone went off. I expected it to be Cortney but when I saw the caller I froze. Its my mother. Liam gave me a strange look, wondering why I hadn't answered it yet.

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