All to myself: six/? [how]

27 3 0

5:08 AM

third person's point of view:
The four of them looked down at the empty casket that once held Him

/note: remember HIM\

Sammy emily:

his body was nowhere to be found he was right their until the blinked and he was gone its not like dead bodies get out of the casket and walk away he look like he been here forever he thought to himself where could he be he looked at Michael

third person's point of view:

flashbacks hit him over and over you can see it through his eyes.his eyes started to get watery he dropped to his knees knowing this would not be the last time of HIM he would be back maybe faster then he thought

Misa Cooper:

I felt bad for Michael I mean whoever that guy was he had something on Michael and he would not let this go when he showed us the letters he couldn't stop thinking about whoever he was

Charlotte Emily:
the body of him reminds me of someone that I seen around school when I was alive ugh...

lie charlie Charlotte!!
stop thinking about being alive again charlie you know your head would hurt
-Misa said

Michael afton: I took a quick picture of the now empty casket we decides to head back to Sam/cha house

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