Stephanie, Stephanie, Stephanie

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I was working out at the gym but finished up and left when Alex called, asking me to meet up with him.

"Hey bubba." I smiled as I walked over and kissed him. "Sorry I look a little bit of a mess, I was just at the gym."

"You look beautiful." He smiled and handed me a glass of red wine.

"You looks so nervous. Why are you, like, shitting yourself?"

"So, basically, there's something that I need to tell you and probably should've told you a bit sooner. It's to do with Steph."


"Umm, she said that she saw me as an option, somebody she might go for."

I furrowed my brows slightly. "She said she fancied you?"


"Or she said she'd go for you?"

"I don't know."

"What do you mean she sees you as an option- in what sense?" I queried.

"She thought that we were, you know, we weren't together anymore and she thought that could... that she could, like, go for me, sort of a thing." He explained.

"Would you go for her?"

"Absolutely not, no." He answered quickly.

"How long have you known?"

"Er, a while, like..."

"It's kind of weird that you haven't told me sooner." I told him honestly.

"Everyone is speaking about it, so I was like obviously I need to speak to you."

"So if everyone wasn't speaking about it, you wouldn't have told me?"

"At some stage you would've found out."

"So because I would've found out, that's why you told me?" Did he really not get it?

"I thought today was a good day to speak you about it. Bella, it's not a huge thing. Some girl said she thought I was attractive..."

"It's not but it's bizarre that you'd keep it a secret. It's like you're hiding something."

"I'm not, I've got nothing to hide. But then Jamie was like: she's looking good at the minute, and I was like: yeah she is looking good at the minute." He paused for a second. "People say these things, people say people are attractive, you know, like..."

"So you think Steph's hot? She's a good looking girl."

He started stumbling over his words a little.

"Go on, go ahead."

"Umm, yeah, I guess so." He admitted.

"Were you scared to tell me?"

"Well, yeah, because you're going to get like this."

"So you're, like, lying and keeping secrets again?"

"I just didn't fucking tell you, it's a very small thing. Come on, it's not as though, like, one of us has cheated. Like, come on."

"Obviously I don't want to go back to how we were before. If something like this happens again and we promise to tell each other, like, as soon as it happens?"

"Yeah, of course."

"I don't see her as a threat at all and I do trust you and love you."

"I love you too." He stepped forward and kissed me. "Thank you for not being mad at me."

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