Inside Westview

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I watch Wanda's show, and it picks up as though she never left. It turns out that Sparky died, and the boys are devastated. Then Wanda and Vision are in the kitchen, and they get into a big fight about Westview. Their fight gets so escalated that Vision starts flying, and Wanda flies and pulls out her powers. Then they lower themselves and sit on the couch and talk, and suddenly the doorbell rings. Vision thinks Wanda did it, but Wanda and I know that she didn't. Wanda opens the door, and I see her shocked face. 

Then I see a person with their back to the camera. The person has silver hair like Pietro. The camera shows the man's face, and the man says, "Long lost bro get to squeeze his stinkin' sister to death or what?" I realize the man is Pietro. But it's not the real Pietro. 

"Pietro?" whispers Wanda. Wanda hugs him, and Pietro says, "Who's the popsicle?" referring to Vision. "She recast Pietro?" says Darcy. I am distraught by this, but then I remember that Wanda didn't make the doorbell ring, so someone else must be doing this.

The next morning I talk to Wanda in our minds, and I say, "Wanda, let me know when I should come." She responds immediately and says, "Anytime works!" "Perfect! Coming now!" I say. Then I tell Monica and Darcy, and I also tell them not to tell Hayward. They tell me good luck, and I teleport to Wanda's front porch. 

I ring the doorbell, and Wanda opens the door. She hugs me and calls Tommy and Billy downstairs. They come running downstairs, and she introduces us. "Pietro" is still asleep on the couch. 

Wanda and I go upstairs, and Wanda tells me that today is the Halloween episode, so I need a costume. Right now I am in normal clothes. "How about I wear my mission suit? It looks like a superhero costume, and I don't think Tommy and Billy know about the Avengers." I say. "Perfect," says Wanda. "Great! Can I use my powers near Tommy and Billy?" I say. "Sure! They'll love that! Besides, they might develop powers. You can tell them about your weather powers just don't use your weather powers, please. Feel free to use your other powers though! Also, don't mention how you got your powers, that's a conversation I think we both don't want to have." "Okay! I'm gonna play with Tommy and Billy," "Have fun!" says Wanda, and I teleport to the compound, and I change into my suit, and I teleport to Wanda's house's main level. 

Tommy hands me a camera, and he tells me to film him and Billy. Then he walks into the kitchen. I film as Billy comes downstairs dressed in a sweatshirt with a red cape and a blue headband. "Halloween's a magical holiday. All about family, friends, and the thrill of getting to be someone else for a day," says Billy as he walks to the kitchen. "Wrong! Halloween's about candy. And scaring people, but mostly candy," says Tommy as he opens the milk and pours some cereal. 

Then I stop filming, and Billy asks, "Where's your costume, Tommy?" "This is my costume. I'm the cool twin," says Tommy. I roll my eyes unnoticed by the twins, thank goodness because Wanda would kill me for that. Tommy just said something that the real Pietro would have said. 

"What does that make me?" asks Billy. "Hmm. A dorkasaurus rex," says Tommy. "Not a real dinosaur," says Billy. Then the twins and I walk into the living room, and we see Pietro snoring on the couch. "Man. He even snores cool. I'm gonna go wake him up," says Tommy. "Don't!" says Billy putting his hand out to stop Tommy. "You scared?" asks Tommy. "He's our uncle. Why would I be scared?" says Billy. "'Cause, it's four o'clock in the afternoon. You're secretly afraid he's a vampire," says Tommy. "No, I'm not," says Billy. "Yes, you are," says Tommy. Unnoticed by the twins, Pietro gets up from the couch. Then he speeds up to them, and they scream. "Blood is thicker than water! I show you!" says Pietro. 

Then he roars and chases Tommy and Billy around the couch. Then he does some weird hands movements, and the twins keep screaming. I am laughing at the scene they are making. "Oh! Somebody better be bleeding, broken, or on fire," says Wanda coming downstairs. "Whoa, Mom. Are you old Red Riding Hood?" asks Billy. Pietro snorts, and Wanda says, "I'm a Sokovian fortune teller." Then Wanda does a weird pose and makes and face to go with it. "Wow, that is so..." starts Pietro. "Rad," says Tommy. "Lame," says Pietro, and Tommy corrects himself and says, "Lame." 

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