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"Girl I don't even know why you got with him in the first place

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"Girl I don't even know why you got with him in the first place." Bre rolled her eyes as we sat at our table for dinner.

We were at our weekly girls day outing.

This week, we decided on dinner at a hibachi restaurant we ate at a couple times before.

"That's not fair." I rolled my eyes. "You know we were young as fuck when we got together, he was my first love." I sighed and sipped my drink.

Looking around the restaurant for our other friends that's supposed to join us.

These bitches better hurry up I got shit to do after this.

"Tuh, first love and first nigga to do you wrong." She sipped her drink eyeing me.

"He was not the first." I rolled my eyes.

Bre was definitely my closest friend out of all of my friends. We knew each other since we were kids. Basically raised together in the womb.

"Heyyy hoessss!" Angel smiled scooting in next to me while Jayla, our other friend sat on the other side of Bre waving.

"Bitch y'all took forever." Bre rolled her eyes again. "We already ordered for y'all and everything so just be happy when it gets done."

"Mmcht girlllllll! It was not me it was Angel ass taking forever to come out the fucking house. Then we had to beat the rush hour traffic." Jayla rolled her eyes at Angel.

"Now Angel you know this shit is a once a week occurrence." I laughed shaking my head at her.

She twisted her body some to face me, "Girl you know how it is when you get the dick before you go out with the girls." She brushed me off.

"That's who car was in your driveway? I didn't know Ty drove a bmw.." Jayla scrunched her face up.

Me and Bre exchanged looks.

Ty was Angel's boyfriend, and he didn't drive no damn bmw.

"Bitch I didn't say it was Ty, now mind yours." She put her hand up dismissing us with an attitude.

I didn't do nothing but shake my head and laugh quietly, she's something else.

If she cheating it ain't my business.😗

After making small talk and sipping our drinks down some more our server finally came back.

"Here you go ladies." He helped place the food down on the table after listening to Bre tell him who got what again.

"If you need anything else, let me know." He looked at all of us before smiling politely and walking away.

The chef cleaned up his grill from in front of us before walking away with cooking supplies and ingredients.

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