The Reaper's Orgin

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The scene takes place in the Junior High years where a bunch of second years were in a forest, hiking and talking and whatnot as some of them had a phone in their hands.

Six boys, some with different colored hairs and skins as they hiked on a rocky trail, looking for a point of interest that one of them were looking for.

"Itachi! When are we getting to the lake?"

"Soon... I know where to go!" The boy presumed as Itachi replied as they continued down the path, following the dark brunette boy who was also like the leader of the small group.

They hiked and hiked, one of them were out of breath, another was drinking desperately at their green tea, the third one was in awe at the scenery the forest provided, the fourth one was filming their adventure and the fifth one was missing.

"Wait..." one of the boys with red hair said as everyone stopped and turned to him. "...Where's Y/n?" He asked as they glance around each other and find no sign of the sixth figure of the group. All were worried until...

Rustle... Rustle...

Sounds of bushes blew around, the boys completely ignored it as they wanted to find the boy who was lost from-

"Itachi! Catch!"

"Y/n- BWUH?!"

At first, Itachi was relieved to find out his friend was safe but the second he turns to the bushes, small particles flew onto his chest. He thought of it as nothing but dirt but sees multicolored parasites starts to crawl around on his shirt.

Bugs, roaches, a centipede as Itachi starts screaming and flailing around, taking off his shirt and flying the bugs from his cloth. Everyone in the group starts to laugh as the boy named Y/n smiles to Itachi.

Y/n, a second year with h/c hair and e/c eyes who was best friends with the leader of the group, Itachi.

Itachi was Y/n's best friend who had messy jet black hair and hazel eyes. He knew Y/n since third grade and was best friends.

"Jeez, Itachi! You can be so afraid sometimes!" He playfully remarked his best friend who frowns at the h/c. "Shut up!" Y/n giggles more, the energetic boy starts running up the path and motions the boys to follow.

"Come on! We're almost here!"

"Okay!" All the boys smiles and runs, Itachi was still red at the incident that happened and watched as his goons were now following Y/n.

There was a slight stern look on Itachi's face, everyone was all laughing as they ran and had fun.

He was jealous.

Y/n was a popular boy who had a joyful attitude and charisma that couldn't be described with simple words. It was just how he was, a boy who liked to have fun and make lots of friends, Itachi considered him a frenemy, a rival most times after Junior High as he wanted to be better than him.

But he just can't. Everything Itachi does, Y/n does it better. Sports, tests, challenges, Y/n won every time and was always competitive with his friend.

Hatred grew inside of the jet black haired boy as he was sick of gaining all the attention and always a winner against everything that they done.

There was a plan, a problem always has a solution as Itachi takes his phone out and catches up to the boys down the trail.

Every boy except for Y/n had their phone out as well, posting stories into their social medias while the leader of the line was balancing on logs and kicking rocks he finds in his way, smiling happily as this was all fun to him.

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