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  Y/n, Tokoyami, Shoji, Ojiro, and Hagakure were all sitting at the lunch table, chatting with one another

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Y/n, Tokoyami, Shoji, Ojiro, and Hagakure were all sitting at the lunch table, chatting with one another. Well, more like the males signing and Hagakure writing on a whiteboard to talk to everyone, but she did know what the others were signing about.

Y/n could feel the vibrations of his new friends' laughter. Honestly, it warms his heart to feel people laugh with him, even though he couldn't hear them just yet. Recovery Girl did say that the hearing aids would take time to be delivered since it's going to be specificity made for him and him only.

Y/n silently laughed at what Ojiro had signed to the group, he could tell that everyone else were laughing too. He reached out for his canned drink but than noticed that it was empty. He slightly pouted but turned and tapped Tokoyami's shoulder.

Tokoyami turned to Y/n in question, tilting his head slightly, "Is there something you need, Y/n?" He signed.

"I need to go get another drink, I'll be back okay?" Y/n signed back.

Tokoyami gave Y/n a slightly worried look, "Are you sure? I can go with you or go get one for you."

Y/n smiled and laughed silently, "I'll be fine, I'll come back right away with something goes wrong."

Tokoyami and turned back to the group and started to chat and sign at the same time with them. Y/n smiled and put on headphones over his ears, so that anyone who would come up to him would know that he wouldn't be able to hear them.

Y/n got up from his seat and sped walk to out of the cafeteria and down the hall. Some students glanced at him since he was known as a loud student but now he was quiet, but they only turned back to talk to their group.

 Some students glanced at him since he was known as a loud student but now he was quiet, but they only turned back to talk to their group

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Bakugou glanced at Y/n, who was speed walking out of the cafeteria with some money at hand. He narrowed his eyes at two certain second years who were eyeing Y/n suspiciously. He noticed that the second years pointed at Y/n and laughed to one another.

Bakugou watched as the two second years got up from their table and followed Y/n out of the cafeteria. He slightly grit his teeth, knowing that the second years weren't up to any good with how they smirked and pointed at Y/n.

Bakugou immediately got up from his table and started to walk up. The others who were sitting around him took notice of this and were slightly surprised by the sudden action.

"H-hey, Bakugou! Where are you going?!" Kirishima called out.

"I'm just getting a drink, shitty hair," Bakugou snapped and continued to walk.

"Do you want any of us to go with you??" Sero asks.

Bakugou tched and slightly rolled his eyes, "I don't need a babysitter, dumbass! I can do shit myself!!"

Kirishima sighed but smiled none the less, "Just come back quickly!!"

Bakugou didn't even glance back at his small group, he continued his walk out of the cafeteria. Some people looked at him and shuffled away but that didn't bother him, he just made a beeline out.

The sound of Bakugou's shoes were the only thing in the hallways at the moment. He remembers seeing Y/n with money so he concluded that Y/n was getting a drink and that the second years have followed him. He went for the vending machines.

Soon enough, Bakugou caught up to the second years. He quickly hid behind a corner so that he wouldn't be seen by them.

"Can you believe that a deaf person is in the hero course?" One of the second years stated.

"Ugh, I know right. Like, what are they expecting to be? So annoying that people think that they can 'change the world' when they can't even hear words. I swear people are getting more and more stupider," The other second year added.

Bakugou clutched his fists in anger since he knew who they were talking about. Y/n should not be disrespected like that, he was one of the best students in his grade and even Bakugou knows that.

"Oh, look, it's the deaf bitch right there," The first second year pointed out.

"Wait, let's see if he really is deaf. HEY!! CAN YOU HEAR MEE!! HELLLOOOO?!?!?" The other second year shouted.

Bakugou's eyes slightly widened at how loud the second year shouted. He narrowed his eyes when he heard the upperclassman laugh to themselves.

"Wow!! He didn't even flinch!! So useless in battle!!"

One of the second years forced Y/n to turn about and look at them. Y/n's eyes widened at the sudden action and flinched when he was touched. He looked at the second years in shock and wonder of what they wanted.

Y/n could see their lips moving but he couldn't hear anything. He was shoved every once and a while and he could see them laughing at him. He just stood there in wonder of what they were saying. He couldn't read lips yet so he couldn't understand what was happening.

Y/n could only watch in confusion, looking back and forth at the two older males, wondering what they wanted from him. He tried to sign that he was deaf and couldn't hear them, but whenever he tried they would smack his hand preventing him to do so.

This was starting to overwhelm Y/n, he was confused and felt offended from them. He furrowed his brows as he bit the inside of his cheeks. He tried to push them away from him but they always pushed him back. He couldn't use his quirk so he could only be pushed around for a reason Y/n knew nothing about.

Suddenly, the two second years whipped their head behind them. Y/n looked at them in question and nervousness. When he looked to where his upperclassman were looking, he noticed that it was Bakugou who was yelling at them for something.

Y/n could tell that the second years were having a yelling fit with Bakugou. But for some reason, Y/n quickly got away form the second years and went behind Bakugou. Bakugou only glanced at Y/n before looking back at the second years to yell at them.

Y/ didn't look up or at anyone, he kept his eyes on the ground, wondering why he ran to Bakugou. Sure, the other males were bullying him, from what he could tell, but why did you go to Bakugou? A gut feeling? Y/n didn't know.

The fight seemed to have continued on with Bakugou getting the upper hand and the second years seemingly scared of him because of his aggressive nature. Y/n kept quiet, stuck in his head thinking, and not looking at anyone.

Y/n could feel that Bakugou was protecting him. But why? Why protect the person that you caused pain to? Y/n's mind was scrambled with reasons and questions, that were left unanswered.

 But why? Why protect the person that you caused pain to? Y/n's mind was scrambled with reasons and questions, that were left unanswered

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Deaf || Bnha || Bakugou x Male reader || Completed ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now