Becoming a Disciple

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Sekke sat on the couch followed by Zelretch

"So what is it that you want to talk about?" Zelretch asked

"Teach me on how to use The kaleidescope."

Zelretch looked at him.

".......uhh.... What? Why?"

"Just give some tips on how to use it."

"Hmm.......................... Sure." Zelretch said with a small

Then he stood up and went to his table.

"First you need to do it open a small portal." Zelretch said as he tap his table

Then Sekke managed to open a small portal like Zelretch said

"Hmm good now that is all." Zelretch said as he walked out

"Huh that was easy."

[Just as expected. Oh yeah be prepared for the worst, that troll might throw you in somewhere in on another timeline and ask you to go back yourself. ]

Sekke shivered at the thought.
After their talk Sekke sat on the couch and got tea cup.

[Focus Sekke.] Gil said as Sekke meditated.

"He's right you know? Focus your mind so that you can control the space that youre about to create.

Just like how you need to balance a bicycle you also need to balance the space around you when you travel to different timelines.

Until it becomes a habit."

"And if i dont balance it out?"

"Hmm since youre not a dead apostle youll probably get ripped into shreds."

"Oh. Is that so?"

"Yep one of my protege lost his lower body because he didnt listen to my explanation....."

"God thats scary..."

[See what i told you he's a troll.

Most of his student are either died or is crippled to an extent that they cant use magecraft anymore.

Thats why as much as he is repected here in the Clock Tower, he is also disliked especially the old guys.]

"Is it because he crippled promising magi?" Sekke asked



"Well theyre the ones at fault.

One of them didnt listen to what I taught you just now.

The other died because of his portal becoming unstable making it explode." Zelretch answered the unasked question

"Thats really dangerous. Are you going to make me create a portal too?"

"I will. Just wait for it. You still havent balanced the space properly youll need to master that first."

"Yes master!" Sekke said as he created as small portal.

A small nostalgic smile appeared on Zelretch's face as he watch Sekke balance his space.

'I should plan a trip for him.'

'and maybe abit of a prank' He said as he smiled mischievously.

Reincarnated As Sekke Bronzazza (Black Clover Fanfiction) RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now