Prove It

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His lips fit perfectly with mine and for a moment I forget everybody around us. My mind shuts off and my body takes over.

We move our lips in unison and he pulls me closer. He runs his hands through my hair, sending shivers everywhere. I move my hands up around his neck and hook them there. His hands travel along my body and rest at my waist.

He smiles though the kiss and pulls away. Only then do I notice the hoots and hollers being screamed around us and the glares I'm getting from all the preppy girls. A light pink covers my face and I step back. I glance around to see the jaws of my 3 best friends hitting the ground. I panic for a moment not knowing what to tell them.

I push my way out of the crowd and head straight for the bathrooms. I rush to the nearest stall and take a deep breath once I'm in there. What the hell just happened?

I lean my head against the stall wall and look up at the ceiling. Thoughts run rapid through my head.

What am I going to tell Zamora, Lydia, and Allison? Why did he have to make a scene? Why did I kiss him back?

I run my hands through my hair making me think about how Jared just did that. Sudden I hear the door of the girls room open with a bang.

"Malia! We know you're on here. We want an explanation right NOW!" Zamora screams as I hear all the footsteps of my friends come in the bathroom.

My head whips around trying to find a way out of this. I look at the toilet in front of me and have an idea. I swallow the lump of discuss in my throat and climb on top of it. Now they can't see my feet or my head because I'm crouched down. I hold my breathing suspense.

"Hello!? Malia? C'mon we want to talk," Allison says. I can see them looking down under the stalls to find me. I don't move a muscle.

"Maybe she went somewhere else," Lydia suggests.

"But I swear I saw her run in here," Zamora says.

"But she's not here," Allison backs Lydia up.

"Okay, then let's look in the girls locker room," Zamora says. I hear the clicks of their shoes as they walk out of the bathroom. I let out the breath I'd been holding and get off the toilet. I walk out of the stall and over to the sinks.

There's no way I'm going to make it through the day now. I decide to just go home and avoid all the drama for the day. I never usually skip school, but today has been horrific and besides, I don't have anything important to do in my next classes.

I grab my school bag and peek out the bathroom door. I make sure the coast is clear, then book it down the hall to the front doors.

Once I'm outside I slowdown, but I keep a fast pace to my house. I turn onto the side walk on my way to my house, when I hear someone yell my name. I freeze thinking its my friends.

"Wait up," they call. I slowly turn around to find Jared running after me.

"What are you doing?" He says, wearing a confused expression.

"What's it look like. I'm leaving, dumbass," I snap at his remark. I turn to leave, not really wanting to talk to him.

"Wait, what? Why would you leave school? You never leave school," he says. I ignore him and keep walking. Moments later I feel his strong hand grab my arm stopping me.

"Let go," I growl.

"Tell me why," he argues.

"Because of you," I blurt out of frustration.

"What? Why? What did I do?" He asks. I whip my head back to look at him.

"You fricken kissed me in front of the whole school!" I scream, glaring at him.

"And you kissed me back." he smirked.

"No I didn't!" I lie, not wanting him to think I enjoyed it just a little.

"Yes, you did," he smiles. He still has a tight grip on my arm.

"Prove it," I say. I instantly regret it, because his smile gets even wider and a glint sparkles in his eyes. He yanks me closer to him, wrapping his arms around my back and presses me up against his chest. I gasp at the sudden movement.

Then he leans his head down so slowly that it mesmerizes me and I want to yell at him for doing that. Finally his lips connect with mine, sweetly kissing me. I try my hardest to not kiss him back, but my body wins over my mind.

I kiss him back and he smiles knowing he caught me. His lips move slowly and in sync with mine. Tingles spread from where his hands are, making my toes curl.

I move my hands up around his neck and I weave my fingers through his hair. He releases a small grown and I smile, liking the affect I have on him.

Suddenly he bites my lower lip and a whimper escapes me. My knees go weak, but Jared holds me closer.

He pulls away, breaking the kiss. I open my eyes to see him smirking. He hasn't released me from his grasp yet, so our faces are only inches away.

"Told you," he winks. I glare at him.

"Your an asshole," I say.

"An asshole you like though," he smiles. Ugh, that smile.

"Whatever," I grumble.

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