15. forget

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it was another day at set, nini arrived a little later since she didn't have that many scenes to film on that day and she made her way to the lunch hall to go check if any of her friends were there.

when she peeked her head through the door, she saw ricky eating his food while sitting in front of ej and kourtney who were talking to him about something.

nini felt her heart drop slightly but she took a deep breath and cleared her throat, making her way towards them.

of course she was a little off. seeing ricky and lily still together after almost three weeks the world go crazy for it wasn't exactly what you would say she was perfectly fine with. she didn't know what was happening. she didn't know why this 'relationship' was still going on. and she didn't know why ricky wasn't doing much to get out of it.

"hey neens!" kourtney smiles as the girl sits next to her

nini returned the gesture and ricky gave her a look of concern, to which she chose to brush off and keep her focus on kourtney and ej.

"i was looking for dani, since it's her birthday tomorrow-"

"she had a scene with gi, what'd you need to talk to her about?" ej asked interested

"i was going to ask her to come over for dinner or something-"

"no!" they all exclaim

nini raised her eyebrows "okay...?"

ricky chuckled "it's just that ej's been planning dani's birthday surprise party for months now-"

"stop saying that like it's a bad thing." ej groans, kourtney laughing softly

"it's basically at ej's and we all have to be there next friday at four," kourtney explains "and the plan is that since gina and i are filming with her, we're bringing her to his apartment. it's been planned for a while now..." she says in slight confusion

nini nodded, glancing at ricky "you didn't tell me any of this..."

ricky stopped eating and raised his eyebrows "i guess-i forgot. i'm sorry-"

"it's okay." nini replied quietly with a small smile before she stood up "i have to get to my trailer and get ready for my scenes this afternoon."

before either of them could stop her, she got up from her seat and clutched onto her bag, quickly making her way out of the lunch hall and towards her trailer.

when she arrives into her trailer, she sighed loudly, dropping her bag onto the couch before she turned around quickly to see the door opening and ricky entering inside.

"hey, you okay?"

nini looked at him and opened her mouth but he made his way towards her

"i'm sorry i didn't tell you about the party, it just slipped my mind-"

"i'm fine ricky, i don't care." nini told him but he shook his head

"then what's wrong?" he asked

"nothing." she shrugged, ricky sighing as he held her hands

"bubs," he pleaded, bringing his fingers towards her cheek and she suddenly felt her heart drop as she looked at him

ricky knitted his eyebrows in worry and he stepped towards her, making her look down

"i guess," she said shakily "i don't particularly like seeing my boyfriend do things with another girl that he's supposed to and usually does with me."

ricky frowned as he exhaled deeply "neens-"

"and i know that you have to do this and that i said i was okay. but it's hard." she continued, looking back up at him "it's all so difficult when it shouldn't be."

ricky pulled her into his body and wrapped his arms around her, nini burying her face in his chest as she felt her eyes sting.

"i know." ricky swallowed "but-" he pulled away and cupped her face "i love you. more than anything. and i promise that there's nothing going on with me and lily. she's just a friend. that's it. really."

nini kept her eyes on him when suddenly the door opened and ricky quickly pulled his hands away from her face, taking a step back from her which somehow hurt more than it had ever done before.

"oh-sorry-ej told me you were in here,"

when nini caught sight of the blonde girl in the doorway of her trailer, she swallowed and put on a smile, shaking her head as she looked down.

"uh-oh, it's fine." ricky replied quietly

the space was silent for the next few seconds, nini with her arms folded, ricky fiddling with his fingers while lily stood at the entrance awkwardly

"i'm lily," she introduced, walking towards the brunette girl and holding her hand out "you must be the famous girlfriend."

nini let out an awkward chuckle and shook her hand "not exactly famous in that department..."

ricky widened his eyes slightly and lily laughed

"well, ricky doesn't stop talking about you so it's nice to finally meet you in person." she smiled

nini nodded "nice to meet you too..."

"so, what's up lily?" ricky asked

the blonde girl turned to face him "right! i came over because we apparently have to go get dinner together tonight and i was going to ask about that party thing for ej's girlfriend-"

"sorry-you know about the party?" nini asked suddenly, her eyebrows knitted together

lily looked back at her "oh-yeah...ricky invited me last week i think. if that's okay with you-"

ricky sighed to himself and brought his hand to his forehead in realization while nini felt her mood drop once again

"n-no-of course," nini said with a forced smile "the more the merrier right?"

lily beamed at the girl "thanks. so-dinner?" she asked ricky

the boy nodded "sure, yeah. i'll see you after."

lily put her thumbs up and made her way back out the door before popping back in "it was nice to meet you."

nini put another smile on her face before hearing the door of the trailer shut and she let out a light scoff, turning to face the boy


"forgot." she finished "yeah."

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