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I wish I could tell you life gets easier with time, but time remembers

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I wish I could tell you life gets easier with time, but time remembers.

How you showed me the stars at night, how your laughter cured any fright, how we traveled to places I'd never been before. My Blue, I have parts of you you've never seen, yet the only thing I want is you in front of me.

I have no photos of you, sometimes I wonder if you're real. Then I visit the forest and sit at the places we'd kissed before, tracing my finger agaisnt the tainted floor, that latches on with our memories and I know you were more than just a dream.

Tarro asked me out, said I was more beautiful than the stars. I'd called him a liar because that's what you are.

You deceived, told me you dont like companionship yet you kept me. I hate you some days, wish I'd never attended my birthday party and then I'm reminded about you. I see you in everything My Blue. I see you in agua, I see you in the sky, I see you in my tears that have yet to dry.

You don't answer my texts, comfortable silence a hoax. The thoughts creeping back, leaving me bedridden. I am ill for a cure that will never return, I am ill for a boy with who I am not the main concern.

You're tainted silence leaving me awake, I miss you a little louder every single day.

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