*Chapter 11*

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Kazuha POV:

"SooooooooooooooOOOOOO how was your date?" Beidou asks nudging me with her elbow. 

"It was fine thank you." I reply with my normal tone and voice. 

Sighing in defeat, Beidou glances at me with her eye and hands me a book. "Listen kid, if you're gonna try to make a girl happy you should at least get some romantic experience. Here have this book, it'll ruin your innocence for good." 

"What does that mean? I'm not innocent, I've killed many people. Not to mention I'm a wanted man in-" 

"Just shut up and read the book, it'll give you more context on what you should be doing." Beidou says while quickly shushing me. 

Huh? Whats her deal? I've read many romance novels before... what's so special about this one. Oh well... since the princess is busy today I suppose I'll start reading...

Y/N's POV:

"And then I rescued the foxes!" I say excitedly to Ayaka as she nods along to my story. Careful to skip the part where Kazuha fell on me, The boy's been through enough. 

"That's so cute! A young couple in love beating a bunch of old men in the forest to rescue foxes~ I can hear the stories already, how romantic." Ayaka sang with her hands clasping together. 

"I'm sure Kazuha doesn't have any romantic feelings for me..." I quickly objected. "I mean he probably asked me on a date as an excused for us to hangout." I say trying to convince myself. 

"Y/N you dense motherfuc-" Ahem "It's rude of me to swear but Y/N please start taking the hints before poor Kazuha go insane." Ayaka says smacking me with her fan. 

"What do you mean?" 

"Seriously? The dude 101% has a crush on you, I mean have you seen the way he acts around you? I still remember the hot spring incident from like... 5 years ago."

"Wait, wAiT, WAIT! Pls don't mention that." I say feeling my cheeks burn up. 

"ohohoho? So you are emotionally capable to feel flustered~" Ayaka teased. 

I fell face first into the dirt and slowly dragged myself away not wanting to remember the embarrassing accident.

Third POV: 5 years ago

It was a cold and windy winter day and needless to say, everyone were on the verge of freezing to death. There wasn't a single animal out and I found myself occupied at the koi pond using my flames to keep the water from freezing. 

"Please don't die my precious fishies." I would say while freezing from the cold. My face was flushed from the winter air and my hands were shaky, but I told myself I mustn't let the koi fishes' down.

"Princess aren't you cold out here?" I hear Kazuha call as he walked out into the snow. 

"I am below the freezing point of water and I feel like an icicle but death doesn't sound too bad compared to the pile of history books on my desk." I say still freezing from the weather. 

Kazuha sighed as he hooks both arms around my arms and begins dragging me away into the shelter. "Princess you might catch a cold if you stay like this, please go inside." 

"No the koi fish-" 

Y/N's POV:

"So uhm... Kazuha... where are you dragging me to?" I asked since Kazuha's been pulling me along with him for a good 15 minutes now. 

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