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Harry showed Bada to her desk, located in the further corner of the space, against the wall, right behind Theodore and Draco. Harry's office was right next to Ron's in the front, and as she had expected, for the first few hours, the four men that would become her colleagues were rather curious about her. She could tell from the looks they exchanged when they thought she wasn't paying attention, although none of them asked or prodded, opting instead to explain their work to her.

The team she was stationed with was one of the auror teams called out to handle any disturbances caused by criminals so they had to be ready at all times. Their skills were expected to be excellent, no mistake while on duty. Bada was no stranger to the ways of the aurors and her duty was understood. She wasted no time after they had briefed her on what she had to do as part of the team to start making herself at home. By the time they left for their much needed lunch break, she had even started looking through some of the reports her colleagues were supposed to be taking care of.

"Lunch break," Ron sang as soon as it was time they could leave. Bada couldn't help but look up at him, surprised at the speed with which he left his office. He ignored the rest, turned to Harry. "Come on, Hermione will be waiting for us."

Harry nodded, muttered a sound of agreement and then looked up at Bada. For a moment, she thought he would suggest she joined them on their break but before he could, Theodore was speaking up.

"Would you like to join Draco and I, Bada?"

"If you don't mind," she took them up on their offer at once. By the time she stood up and looked up again, Harry and Ron were gone.

"We weren't informed you would be arriving today," Theodore told her as she reached their side and slowly, the three of them left their office space. "We were told to expect a recruit but not when or who. This has been a pleasant surprise, though."

"I hope to fit in your team, then," she murmured, her eyes wide as she took in the space around her so she could memorize her way to their office.

"Tell us more about you, Bada." She briefly looked up at Draco as he kept on talking. "You said you are from South Korea but you speak English as if you were a native speaker."

"That's because my father is half Korean, half British," she explained, "I grew up learning two languages."

They let out similar sounds of realization. It was Theodore's turn to speak next. "Why would you leave your home, though?"

"The memories tied to home weren't all that pleasant lately," she replied, not lying but not telling the complete truth either. "I judged it would be better for me in the long run to leave."

"You can always start anew, if that's what you want," Theodore nodded, "if there's will, there will be a way."

She nodded. "I need to fit in, now. Where are the training grounds of the ministry?"

"In this floor, in the heart of the Ministry," Draco replied as they entered the lift and pressed the button for floor eight, where the atrium was. "We will take you there, if that is something you wish to see."

"Thank you," she bowed her head at them briefly. "How often do you train in the grounds?"

Theodore shared a look with Draco over her head, wordlessly communicating as he raised an eyebrow at him. Draco shrugged, glanced back at Bada. With a brief purse of his lips, he answered. "It is compulsory we train three days a week. Most of us don't visit the training grounds any other days."

"Are you sure in your abilities regardless, though?"

"Definitely," he assured her, just as the lift reached the atrium and they got out along with most of the witches and wizards around them.

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