chapter eighty-eight

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note: terribly written smut (and i mean absolutely horrible) (you have been warned)

December 31st - Potter Estate

Nephera and the two Gryffindors were fully submerged in planning mode for the party that was to occur that night. Fleamont and Euphemia had left close to an hour ago and would be returning in two days, leaving the teenagers to their own devices.

The living room had been decorated accordingly, with silver and gold banners, as well as a charm that had a giant '1978' floating above the fireplace, awaiting the new year.

The kitchen counter had already been overcome by the many bottles of alcohol and platters full of Euphemia's cooking, promising for a fun night.

Sirius, as usual, was in charge of the music. The boy had shifted through records for hours that morning, picking the best ones and placing them neatly next to the record player in the living room.

James had taken to fixing the bedrooms, ensuring that there was enough space for everyone to sleep comfortably that night, or rather the next morning. Lily and himself would be sleeping in his room, while Sirius and Nephera in Sirius's, Marlene and Dorcas in the guest room, and Peter and Remus in his parent's room.

Alice would be going back to Frank's place, who was also invited, after the night was over while the rest of the guests wouldn't be sleeping over either.

Eventually, the preparations were over, and the three teens collapsed in the living room, slightly out of breath but happy with how the place had ended up looking.

"So, besides the marauders, the girls, and Frank, who else in coming?" asked James

Nephera swallowed the water in her mouth eagerly, tired after the long day they'd had, "Ailani, the Prewetts-"

Sirius scoffed from his spot opposite her. Ever since his run in with the redhead that one day at Hogsmead, he'd never been fond of the two, or rather, he'd never been fond of how close they were to Nephera.

He trusted his witch, she'd never given him a reason to make him think she'd ever cheat on him, but he wasn't an idiot. He knew how beautiful she was, and how she seemed to attract both guys and girls left and right, and he was sure the Prewetts weren't an exception to that rule.

"Let me rephrase," sighed Nephera, noticing her boyfriend's vexation, "Ailani, and her boyfriend, Fabian, as well as Gideon and Mary McDonald,"

Sirius, slightly appeased now that he knew Fabian was in a relationship, spoke up with a grin on his face, "Mary, huh? I don't know her that well, she's a Gryffindor, isn't she?"

The curly-haired boy nodded, "Yeah, in our year too, sort of quiet, but she's a friend of Lily's so I invited her,"

"Isn't she the one that leaves every time she sees me in the common room?" pointed out the Slytherin

Both Gryffindors laughed at that, "That would be her," replied the raven-haired boy, "She's nice though, even if she's slightly scared of you,"

"Oh, also," said James hastily, "I invited Fallon Bennett, you know that sixth year that lives down the street? Just thought we could use some more people,"

The name was one Nephera immediately recognised, not because of who Fallon was, but rather because of who her best friend was.

Emily Gids.

That one girl who had been obsessed with Sirius ever since her first year, deeply obsessed, "Oh come on, Prongs," she groaned, "She'll probably bring that bitch Gids with her,"

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