My neighbour 🔞

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Today was really cold and windy, and you were on the couch with a fluffy blanket, munching on popcorn while watching your favorite series.

After sometime, you completely forgot about the time so you turned your body over to the clock, now indicating that it is 2:00 AM, so you decided to sleep. You got up and walked towards the bathroom and did your skin care routine.

As you were getting ready to change into your pajamas, a loud thud startled you when suddenly loud bass beats were followed abruptly after the thud. Although this wasn't new for you, it was still something you still weren't used to. You knew who made the loud noises.

It was none other than Park Jimin. Another one of your annoying neighbours night concerts. He was always playing loud music at night. It's been three months since you've been neighbours and yet, you still can't cope with the noises he makes.

When he first moved in, you were shocked by his extremely flawless facial features and toned body. However, whenever you tried talking to him, he always acted cold and rude. Later on, he started becoming very annoying. Most of the times I would try talking to him about the nights before, in the morning. But he would just tease me or annoy me. He started to get comfortable this way and he seemed to like doing this.

Anyways. You were starting to get pissed off by him, but you couldn't just keep talking to him every morning because he would've told you the same thing I've and over again.

You stopped thinking about it since you couldn't do much. So, you went to bed while trying your best to ignore the noises.

The next day, you were outside watering the plants. Until you heard a familiar laugh.

"Mrs Y/n the gardener" Jimin said in a mocking tone while laughing.

"Mr Jiminah the annoying laughing machine" you were already frustrated with him.

"I was thinking to start my party earlier tonight, what's your opinion?" He asked.

"How about you stop your stupid games and start restarting that brain of yours" you answered in an irritated way, you've lost many hours of sleep because of him and his music.

"See you at my window at 8 PM" he smirked. You just scoffed and went back inside the house as he left.

It was now 8:30 PM, soft music could be heard, gradually getting louder and louder. You were listening to music with your headphones on to distract yourself. As the music kept increasing, your face flushed a shade of red from the amount of anger you were trying to hold back. You thought to yourself and kept on thinking about stopping that stupid habit of his.

You got up and walked towards the window and as you were opening it, you yelled out his name. To your surprise, he actually heard you and after a few seconds later, he appeared at his window. "Turn off the fucking music! I won't miss my sleep anymore because of you!" You told while making him chuckle.

"You don't need your beauty sleep anyways! You're too ugly for that!" He yelled back , you were so angry. "Just turn it off!" I said.

"Come and do it yourself then!" He snapped back, with a sly grin on his face, leaving the window right after. You sat there and thought a bit. He knew you wouldn't come, or maybe wouldn't have the courage to do so, and this way he kept his head peaceful. Your lips then formed a small smirk as you wore your shoes before heading out and knocking on the door. Jimin opened the door carefree humming the song played leaving a loud gasp seeing you outside.

You innocently looked at him with your arms crossed. "Won't you invite me inside?" You asked as his expression changed. "What if I don't?" He said, tilting his head to the side, flipping his hair. "I'll grab that remote myself"
You basically growled at him, his gaze was amused as he gestured to enter. Immediately, you scanned the room searching for the remote.

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