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The next day, arrived too soon for my liking, as I woke up to my alarm clock.

I knew today was the big reveal, with the Potter Will getting out for anyone to read, and I knew very well that today The Daily Prophet would post about that. After all this would be the news of the year.

I had made up excuses, suggestions and every answer for any questions that could come my way, and had arranged my mind in depth, so, that I could absolutely perfect my act for today. Morgana knew I would need it today to hide my glee for bringing some people down a notch.

I made myself presentable quickly and walked into the Great Hall, where I saw everyone was and quickly took a seat from where I could see the whole Hall. My lips tugged up, seeing Dumbledore also there, as seeing his reaction was my paramount entertainment for today.

As I ate my eggs quietly I heard owls coming in and saw The Daily Prophets there as well making my lips tug up mischievously which one could easily see the resemblance with the late James Potter, my father. I quickly blanked my face before anyone could see it. I made sure to keep my head down as I played with my food, too excited and nervous to swallow any, as I just wanted to read the article now.

After a while, I could hear buzzing of noise spreading like hisses as Neville who was beside me nudged and shoved the news paper in front of my face without any more further warning. I made a noise of annoyance at the back of my throat but took the paper anyways and read the article.


Secrets Revealed? Sirius Black Innocent?

writes Rita Skeeter, Special Correspondent of the Daily Prophet.

My dear readers,

Yes you have read it right! The Potter Will was released today after 13 years of it being sealed and it has showed everything in a new light!

It explicitly says and repeats that SIRIUS BLACK, the Azkaban Escapee who was charged for the murder of 13 Muggles and aiding the Dark Lord by revealing the location of the Potter Family to him which resulted in their murder was not the Secret Keeper.

Instead the late Peter Pettigrew who was murdered by an enraged and that at time deemed psychotic Sirius Black was the Secret Keeper!

It made me look further into the matter and I found out that the Dementor Chase on the convict of Sirius Black has been declared null and void as new evidence has come into light! So, what is this new evidence?

For its answer I dug deeper into the matter.

And I found out something which left me absolutely baffled, Sirius Black, the Heir to the Most Noble and Most Ancient House of Black was never given a Trial!

It makes me question whether the Ministry knew about this and left the convict Sirius Black to rot in Azkaban without looking any further into the matter!

How many other people have been in Azkaban without a proper hearing? Are the Ministry just throwing people in they don't want interfering? If they can throw a member of an Olde Family in Azkaban without a trial how many other people have been thrown in like that?

Are our rights being snatched by people in power? Were they ever even given to us properly ever?

I read the article with concealed glee, I had to give it to Rita, she truly did a wonderful job, I might just send her a fruit basket for it. Now, The Ministry would just have to push the Trial to the most early convenience possible for it to look like they aren't snatching away our rights away and are all for freedom and truth.

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