Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

There weren't many places to go as there was no outside. At least, no outside where Pranee could safely get some fresh air.

She looked out the window and could see fish swimming past. It was quieter underwater. It was almost too quiet for her. She missed the sounds of frogs croaking and the rustling of the trees from above water. After so many days of non-stop travel, Pranee couldn't stay still. She couldn't help but run her fingers through her scalp. She hadn't gotten used to taking off her wig yet.

"Couldn't sleep?"

Pranee turned her head to see Shashi. Their hair was sticking out in different directions and she couldn't help but smile.


"Your hair."

"What about it?"

"Just... come here for a second."

Shashi approached Pranee and she ran her hands through their hair. They stood there quietly a moment, letting Pranee attempt to fix it. Pranee's eyebrows furrowed together in concentration before letting out a small sound of frustration. Shashi gave a low chuckle.

"Does your brother always move around so much in his sleep?"

"Yeah, he's been doing it ever since we were little. The servants would sometimes find him on the floor after a night of just tossing and turning."

"Ah, I see."

She had her arms wrapped loosely around Shashi. Their hair was tamer than earlier but was still a little wild.

"What's on your mind? I can't imagine you'd be out here at night because you're trying to achieve enlightenment."

"I'm... not sure what I want to do anymore. Everything has been moving so fast and I just... feel lost."

"How are you feeling about the... favour the queen asked us to do?"

"I don't like thinking about that either."

"It definitely... sounds difficult." Shashi's words faltered the moment they looked into Pranee's eyes. Their expression was unreadable. She couldn't tell if they were genuinely scared or had stopped themself short because of her.

She attempted to wrap her finger with a strand of hair. As quickly as she had touched it, the strand slowly detached itself from her scalp.

"I just... wish I was back in my room at the palace again without the whole power struggle," Pranee sighed. "I never asked for this. I don't even know why I'm so involved aside from the fact that I have royal blood. If that's even worth anything at this point."

"I feel the same way." Shashi bit their lip and quickly opened their mouth. "In the... wishing for simpler times way. Not the royal part."

They pressed their forehead to hers. Her eyes fluttered closed as she took a shaky breath.

"We'll get through this. We faced the entire army and came out alive. We're strong."

"I was saved by a magical elephant."

"That you summoned."

"I don't think I even did that."

"Pranee... Remember the bracelet my father gave you?"


"It's a protection charm. Usually whoever wears it gets protection. It really depends on the person wearing it. The fact the holy elephant came from that bracelet says more about you than my father's weaving skills."

"Really? Shashi I–"

"Pardon the interruption but I was hoping I would be able to speak to you."

The nagi queen stood in front of them. She was smaller than earlier yet she still towered over the two of them. She was wearing fine white silken cloths instead of the accessory heavy attire from earlier.

Pranee instantly hid behind Shashi with her hands covering her head. She didn't want to be seen like this. Shashi immediately looked over their shoulder and Pranee just shrunk away more.

"I'm sorry, were you two in the middle of a lover's get away?"

"No! No. I am just... indecent at the moment your highness," Pranee squeaked.

"Is it alright we can have a talk between two queens then?"

"Queen? I uh am not..."

Shashi turned around to face Pranee. "I'll go back to bed. If you get into any trouble, I'll be here for you."

"But I don't have my–"

In an instant, Shashi's staff hovered between them and her wig sat on top. She gingerly picked it up and placed it on her head.

"Thank you." She pressed her lips together and a soft blush spread on her face.

Shashi bowed towards the queen to excuse themself. Pranee stood there with her hand smoothing down the wig every so often hoping it looked semi-decent.

"What did you want to talk about, your highness?" Pranee smiled stiffly.

The queen smiled at Pranee before turning to face another direction. Her clothing looked like it was floating with every move she made. Pranee couldn't help but be captivated but quickly snapped out of it when the queen spoke again.

"Come with me. It's best explained in a quieter place."

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