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4 years later (kinda just jumping into it now for the fun of it... so yay)

"Mom! Mom quick!" Sebastian yelled, causing Tyra to run down the hall to see Nat on the floor

"What the hell happened?" Tyra asked, kneeling down next to Nat

"Waverly was playing dolls with Aunt Tash then Wav said 'sleep' to the doll but Aunt Tash did!" Sebastian explained

"Waverly, come here... I need you to listen to me" Tyra said, seeing Waverly come out of the corner of her room

"I'm sorry-"

"-save that for later... come here for a moment" Tyra said as she carefully lifted Nats head onto her lap
"I need you to place your hands here and here and focus super hard on Nat being awake" Tyra said, pointing at Nats chest and forehead. Waverly done so and focused until Nat woke up

"I did it" Waverly said

"You did... nat just relax a second" Tyra told Nat as she saw the redhead slowly sit up

"I think she has her powers now" Nat groaned, holding her head

"I think so as well" Tyra said as she turned to Waverly
"I told you they would come eventually" Tyra stated

"I'm so sorry Aunt Tash! I didn't mean it" Waverly apologised

"It's fine, it was an accident" Nat said as she gave Waverly a hug

"Right... you two behave, me and Aunt Tash have to go and do a call. There is a plate of snacks each in the kitchen and you know what you are and aren't allowed to do so... just be good" Tyra smiled as she hugged her two kids

"Can we say hi to them first though?" Seb asked her

"Not today" Tyra told them as she and Nat made their way to the kitchen to first before heading to the library. Tyra sat down next to Nat as everyone started to slowly appear in the holograms
"Hi" Ty smiled slightly as she saw them

"Hey, it's been a while since you were on here" Rhodey stated

"Yeah, I'm back now" Tyra said as Nat was stood over in the corner making her sandwich still
"Have you guys been upto much?"

"Yeah, we boarded that highly suspect warship Danvers pinged" Rocket answered

"It was an infectious garbage scow!" Nebula added

"So tha is for the hot tip" Rocket said, looking at Carol

"Well, you were closer" Carol smirked a tiny bit

"Yeah, and now we smell like garbage!"

"You get a reading on those tremors?" Nat asked Okoye, trying to break up the squabble fight between rocket and Carol

"It was a mild subduction under the African plate" Okoye answered

"Do we have a visual? How are we handling it?" Nat asked

"Nat, it's an earthquake under the ocean. We handle it by not handling it" Okoye told her, getting a small nod

"Carol, are we seeing you here next month?" Nat asked

"Not likely"

"What? You gonna get another haircut?" Rocket teased, causing Tyra to laugh a little

"Listen fur face, I'm covering a lot of territory... the things that are happening on earth are happening everywhere, on thousands of planets" Carol told him

"Alrght, Alright, that's a good point" Rocket stated

"One day there will no arguments from you all" Tyra stated

"Don't get your hopes up princess" Rocket smirked

"Well, just... you might not see me for a long time" Carol continued

"Alright, well um... this channels always active so if anything goes sideways, anyones making trouble where they shouldn't... comes through me and Ty" Nat told them

"Nice seeing you all again" Tyra added

"Okay, bye" They all said, vanishing expect for Rhodey. Nat sat down next to Tyra, letting out a small sigh as she looked at her food before noticing Rhodey

"Where are you?" She asked him

"Mexico, the Federales found a room full of bodies... looks like a bunch of cartel guys, never even had the chance to get their guns off" Rhodey told them

"Its probably a rival gang" Nat answered

"I don't think it is" Tyra shook her head

"Exactly, it isn't, its definitely Barton" Rhodey nodded
"What hes done here... what hes been doing the last few years... I mean, the scene that he left... I gotta tell you there's a part of me that doesn't want to find him" Rhodey told her, Tyra looked at Nat and saw the tears forming in her eyes as she nodded

"Will you find out where he's going next?" She asked Rhodey before she took a bite of her sandwich

"Nat" Rhodey tried to hint

"Please?" She begged

"Okay" He said, walking away. Tyra hugged Nat softly as Nat cried a little

"You know, I'd offer to cook you both dinner but you seen pretty miserable already" Steve spoke, causing Tyra to look up and shes him leaning against the until and the twins run around to hug Nat

"You here to do your laundry?" She asked him, gathering herself together

"And to see a friend" He answered

"Clearly your friend is fine" Nat answered

"You know I saw a pod of whales when I was coming over the bridge" Steve told them

"In the Hudson?"

"What's a pod of whales?" Tyra questioned

"A group of whales" Nat answered her

"Oh..." Tyra nodded

"Theres fewer ships, cleaner water..."

"You know, if your about to tell me to look on the bright side... um... I'm about to hit you in the head with a peanut butter sandwich" Nat told him

"Cap is in trouble" Sebastian laughed

"Sorry, force of habit" He said as he sat down opposite Nat just as Waverly ran around and jumped into Tyras arms while Sebastian sat at the end of the table.
"You know, I keep telling everybody they should move on and grow... some do, but not us" Steve said

"Movinh forward isn't easy when it feels like it's our fault" Tyra said

"If I move on, Tyra moves on... who does this?" Nat asked

"Maybe it doesn't need to be done" Steve told her

"I use to have nothing and then I got this, this job, this family... I was better because of it... even though they're gone... I'm still trying to be better" Nat told him, tears forming in her eyes. Waverly walked over to Nat and hugged her

"You are amazing, Aunt Tash" She whispered as she saw the tears

"I think the three of us need to get a life" Steve said

"Why am I being dragged into this life scenario?" Tyra asked

"Mom, there is someone coming into the front" Sebastian whispered to her

"You first" Nat told Steve just before the device went off

"Oh, Hi, Hi! Is anyone home!? This is Scott Lang!" A man shouted at the camera

"Who's Scott Lang?" Tyra asked

"A friend we thought was gone" Steve answered

"We met a few years ago at the airport in Germany"

"Is this an Old message?" Steve asked

"Its the front gate" Nat answered, standing up while carrying Waverly

Tyra, Daughter Of OdinWhere stories live. Discover now