Chapter 29

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Meredith was up most of the night. She fell asleep for and hour, then woke up in a cold sweat. Her clothes were completely wet. She wasn't sure if it was the pain of the nightmares that had woken her up. She couldn't get the vision of Brian out of her head. He was vaporized. She would have never believed that that really happened, if she hadn't seen it. She shifted her body, and the pain was immense. Derek jerked awake as he heard her moan. He looked over and saw the look of pain on her face.

"Are you okay?" He asked her worriedly. She clenced her jaw.

"I'm fine." She said as she breathed shallowly.

"No, you're not." He said, unconvinced. "When was the last time you took a pain pill?" He asked her.

"Oh, a long time ago." She said quickly.

"Honestly?" He asked, cocking his head to the side.

"Fine, like an hour and a half ago." She said with a pathetic sigh.

"They should have kicked in by now." He told her. "How bad is the pain, one to ten."

"Um, eight, I guess." She asnwered. "When I don't move."

"You need to go back to the hospital." He stated as he rolled out of bed.

"No. I just got out of that hell-hole." She spat. "I am not going back."

"Get up. You need to at least get some sleep. Come on, a little morphine, a little sleep." He said, turning on his charms.

"Derek..." She moaned.

"It's okay to admit you couldn't do it." He said as he helped her out of the bed.

She didn't talk the whole way there. He was right, she did need to go back. But she really didn't want to. And now she was going to get teased mercilessly by her peers, she was sure of it. Derek pulled into the parking lot, and went over to help her out. Of course Miranda Bailey and Alex Karev were on call. She was not a surgical case, but since she was related to the Chief, they gave her special treatment and snuck her into a room on the surgical floor.

"So you couldn't handle it, huh?" Alex asked as he took her stats. She rolled her eyes. "It's okay. You weren't ready to go home. Everyone knew it. If you weren't such a damn whiner." He stated with a cocky smile.

"Shut up and give me morphine." She demanded loudly. Derek gave Alex a 'you better do it or she'll kill you' look.

"Okay." He said quickly as he walked out of the room. Miranda and Alex came back in together.

"Now you, are a damn fool!" Miranda said loudly. "And you are brainless!" She said, pointing to Derek. "She wasn't ready to go home!"

"Just give me the morphine." Meredith said quickly.

Miranda set up her i.v. and left the room. Derek sat in the chair and watched Meredith quickly drift off to sleep. He laid his head back, and closed his eyes. Meredith woke up in the middle of the night and saw Derek sitting in the chair.

"Hey! Hey you." She shouted. His eyes opened quickly.

"Are you okay?" He asked her as he walked to her side.

"Get you ass in bed with me." She said quickly. "I want McDreamy next to me when I McDream sweet McDreams." She said.

"You are high." He said with a chuckle. She closed her eyes and drifted back to sleep.

Meredith woke up to the light being flashed on. She heard the voices of her friends chiming in. She groaned and closed her eyes. She heard them talking and moving around. Derek crawled out of bed and stood at her side.

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