Chapter 31 - It's Cards' Birthday and Stage is Panicking

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Stage: Me - Cards: ac110807
- Chapter 31 - Happy Birthday, Cards -
Warnings: Slight stress and anxiety, but it's mostly fluff (:
Third Person POV

"Stage..." Jack starts slowly. "Calm down." He tells her.

Stage's glare- but not really a glare because she can't glare- (A/N, my mom told me this today...) snapped towards him. "When it was Davey's birthday, you were freaking out as you tried to make it perfect." She reminds him. "Shut up."

Jack shuts his mouth.

"Stage," Specs places his hands on her shoulders. "Breathe in and out with me." He tells her.

Annoyed, Stage glares at him for a moment, before closing her eyes and breathing in and out a few times.

Specs smiles at Stage, pulling away. "Would Cards want you to be stressing over this?" He asks her.

Stage shakes her head. "No." She answers quietly.

"Are you gonna stress out then?"

"Mmmm..... no?"

"Good." Specs pats her shoulder.

"Alright," Stage mutters. "Cake that we decorated, sky blue streamers, and everyone is here." She looks around at said things. "Stage takes a deep breath in. "It's gonna be good."

"We've brought the birthday Newsie!" A voice rang out from the entrance of the room.

Stage turns to face Specs, her eyes wide and her face panicked. "What if he hates this? What if he ends up hating me?" She whispers.

(A/N, that would never happen, but this is my actual panicked thinking and it applies to Stage lol.)

Specs grabs her hand, holding it to his chest. "He won't. He loves you." He whispers to her.

Stage nods, taking deep breathes in.

Stage turns around, finding Cards with a sky blue blindfold over his eyes.

Stage giggles to herself.

"All I see is blue, for forever." Cards sings jokingly, being guided by Charlie. "At least it's sky blue. Someone knows my favorite color." They state.

Stage smiles to herself.

"Is Stage here by any chance?" Cards asks.

Stage giggles quietly, covering her mouth.

"That she is." Cards answers his own question.

Stage stares at him, her eyes wide. "How did you hear that?!" She exclaims.

Cards chuckles. "We've talked about this, Stagie. Not everyone has as bad of ears as you do." He reminds her, crossing his arms.

Stage rolls her eyes.

They were all silent for a moment.

"If I may ask," Cards starts. "Why am I blindfolded?" He asks.

Stage panicked for a moment as she tried to think of a lie. "Because it's fun?" She answers, her voice more high-pitched than usual.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2021 ⏰

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