Chapter 31

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Camila's POV

I dragged my fingertips anxiously along the length of the couch beside my thighs, wondering how I'd gotten so caught up in the moment of the man's words that I honestly believed he wanted me for good? I remembered now? Lauren bombarding the office only to shame him for degrading and exposing naive.. stupid girls like me..

She held a knife to his throat and threatened him.. she wouldn't have done it for no reason, yet here I was giving him another chance like the idiot I was.. he was on the phone currently.. talking and laughing in a way that made me fearful of his power.. how could I have been so dim? Dumb..

I wanted to leave the second I'd entered the room, remembering how shitty I'd felt taking off my clothes the first time.. it didn't sound right now I was recalling the memory.. didn't sound safe nor appetising at all? I felt naked already.. too scared to even move

"Sorry about that! Business calls and all!" The guy spoke cockily, flashing his bright blue eyes over against my torso.. completely missing my own gaze.. "Let's start shall we?"

He asked holding out his strong arm to motion me from the seat.. I stood anxiously, thinking that as a girl it was my duty to follow men's orders.. as much as I didn't want to I felt like I had to.. if I said no now I'd look dumb.. unprofessional

"Ok so! Clothes off and I'll fill out this document! We'll get you casted in no time!" He spoke softly, his eyes still holding place against my covered chest

"What's on the d-document?"

I asked weakly, now standing in the centre of the room with my fingertips anxiously gliding along the underside of my shirt, avoiding for as long as possible actually having to take it off..

"Just procedures.. come on I have stuff to do! You wouldn't want to be the reason I miss my next meeting now would you Camila?"

"N-No.. sorry?"

I mumbled, pulling my lower lip between my teeth anxiously as I dragged the shirt once again over my head.. exposing my chest and stomach to his view while his smile beamed almost scarily..

"Good! My father always taught me never to be selfish! I'm glad you made the right choice!"

I never usually realised when people were being mean to me, when people were taking advantage.. but right now I did! He spoke to me as if a child and looked at me like meat.. I didn't say anything though, I only followed his orders being too afraid to make him angry.. he seemed strong and possibly violent if not given what he wanted..

"Shorts too Camila! Come on.. I know they're tiny but still, can't forget about them!"

I swallowed back what felt to be a huge lump in the back of my throat.. painful.. scary! I slid my fingertips into my shorts wanting so badly to say no.. I wanted to tell him to stop! I didn't like being exposed like this.. I didn't like being vulnerable.. I was too vulnerable to cut it off..

"Perfect! Look at that body? Wow.. Lauren really did ruin this last time!"

He spoke to himself, walking towards me with the paper under his arm, the other lifting to grab my shoulder sending a painful shiver into my spine.. he turned me around to view from the back.. chuckling to himself with a smirk before stepping back to write something upon the document

This was what I had to do.. to get by in life, to avoid drama.. I think? I didn't know.. I'd never done this before and so I could only work from instinct.. I felt so stupid..

"C-Can I put my clothes back on yet-

"You know I've always admired girls like you.. beautiful girls with strong minds! You're brave Camila I'll give you that!"

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