Come Home

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"They've been gone for almost a week now," Clay stated, pacing around the living room.

"Have you tried looking for them?" Vincent asked plainly, laying lazily on the couch, scrolling through Reddit.

"I've jumped all around the city, trying my best to avoid everyone, for the past four days" Clay replied, sitting on the arm of Vincent's couch, head in his hands.

Vincent turned off his phone, dropping it on his chest and glancing up and Clay. "You've looked everywhere?" he questioned.

"Yes, Vince," Clay answered, looking at him with a slight annoyance.

"Everywhere?" he pressed.

"Yes!" Clay exclaimed, standing from the arm and starting to pace once again.

"Even. . . . the lab?" 

Clay stiffened, stopping in his pacing, turning his head to Vincent. "Why would he ever be there." he asked, though it was more of a statement than a question.

"He's not himself," Vincent said blatantly. "That fact is clear. He could be anywhere. Which means you need to check everywhere."

Clay eyed Vincent sharply before letting out a sigh, gaze moving to the ground with the light shake of his head. "Okay, I'll go there."


He dropped into the familiar alleyway, having made sure nobody followed him. It was easy to gain a crowd here, being a ex-villain and still having yet to explain to the news of why. He pushed himself through the wall, stepping into the dark halls he had lived in for 15 years of his life. Pushing down fear and memories, he walked down the hall softly, before coming to the main cavern.

As he peaked around the corner, he saw Nick standing in the middle, Ranboo yards across from him, a blond child between them. They seemed to be playing with a football, the child jumping. . . oddly high. . . to try to catch it.

They're flying, Dream realized. How are they flying? Did Elina have an experiment I never knew about?

As he thought, Ranboo's gaze flickered his way, meeting his eyes under the mask, distracting him from their game. Nick noticed his gaze, whipping around to face Dream, face changing from one of a smile to one of anger.

The blond child noticed that the other two were looking somewhere, looking and seeing Dream too. Noticing the newcomer, they looked to Nick, something going on between them causing the blond to fly at Dream quickly.

Dream jumped back, throwing a dagger at the moving target, expecting them to fall when the blade hit their shoulder. But they didn't. 

Instead, they pushed Dream against the wall and used his own knife against him, putting it to his throat and pushing him to the ground harshly. Dream grunted in pain as his jaw slammed against the tile, but the experiment didn't let up.

"Clay!" Nick yelled, almost happily, taking a few steps towards the hero. "You came!"

The experiment pulled Dream to his knees, holding his hands behind his back, allowing him to talk back.

"I came to ask you to come home," Dream stated, spitting out the blood that had accumulated in his mouth. "We're worried for you."

This caused Nick to bark out a laugh. "'Come home'?" he chuckle. "This," he said, gesturing to the surrounding hall, arms wide in a circle. "This is my home."

"Nick I don't want to fight you," Dream told him. "This isn't you."

"This is totally me!" Nick argued. "Just me, Ranboo, and Tommy."

"Tommy?" Dream questioned.

"Your new friend," Nick clarified, 'Tommy's grip on Dream's wrists tightening.

"But what about your other friends?" Dream tried convincing him. "Me, George, Zak, Darryl, Vincent, Tubb-"

He was cut off by Tommy shifting the knife on his throat.

"They betrayed me," Nick told him, his face turning to a glare. "They didn't see my vision."

"You sound like Elina, what-"

"DON'T," Nick spat, Dream seeing Ranboo flinch from the corner of his eye. "Don't even try to compare me to her," he snarled.

It's the truth whether he likes it or not, Dream thought distastefully, narrowing his eyes slightly.

"If you're not with me, you're against me," Nick stated, still glaring at Dream.

"What kind of logic is that?" Dream inquired.

"Anyone who is not on my side is just on my way," Nick explained. "Not that hard to understand."

"If you do this, fighting will be inevitable," Dream tried to reason. "For all we know, it could end in death."

Nick shrugged. "Then so be it," he stated. "Our powers can be of use once again."

"You're sick," Dream sneered. He didn't want to hate his friend, but Nick was making it quite difficult to do so.

"Even if I am, I'm still in the right here," Nick replied, turning to face Ranboo. "Take a Tommy and please escort this nuisance away from here," Nick told the hybrid.

Ranboo stared at him for a few moments before nodding, rushing over to Tommy, to which Tommy yanked Dream off the ground. The three walked down the hall to the main exit, Tommy harshly pushing Dream out.

Dream steadied himself, only narrowly missing the knife that Tommy threw out at him with a light yelp. He stared at the hidden entrance, everything catching up to him as he picked up his dagger slowly.

He's gone, Dream thought solemnly. He's gone, but nobody knows where.

He stood for a few more moments before sighing, turning and climbing up the wall to roof-hop home.

900 words

Speed running chapters go brrrr. I'm rlly liking the story, so chapters should come out faster now :D Dw tho, we're not anywhere near the end!

Constructive Criticism and Suggestions here!


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