thirty one.

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I've been torn for the last week, I had no idea that the opportunity of a life time was going to come hand in hand with a narcissistic, egotistic, controlling yet gorgeous boss. Maybe I could ask to be moved department - would he do that for me? He hasn't even called. 

So what now? I hadn't dreamed of ever quitting a job like that, how will I explain to my parents that I've fucked my life up. Which is why I've been pretending I'm ill. No wonder work relationships should never be a thing. No wonder people say you should never fuck your boss. 

"Flora! I'm going to work, are you feeling any better today?" My mum calls up the stairs. I groan inwardly. 

"Yeah a little!" I call back, burrowing under the covers as I hear the door slam. I log onto UCAS. I've decided that I'll do deffered entry to university for next year, in the mean time I guess I'll just get a normal job. I guess that's what I'll do today, look for a job. 

I watch a few episodes of The Big Bang Theory before getting ready to go to the gym, I notice an ice blue BMW pull up out side, and a blonde guy in a suit climbs out. I realise it's Niall as I move from the front window to the door opening it to greet him. More curious than anything about why he's come. 

"Niall.. er" I wonder as he walks straight past me and into the house. Even though he's never been here before. 

"Flora! Good to see you, it's been like a week" He says enveloping me in a big hug, he doesn't half smell good though. 

"Niall, what are you doing here?" I half chuckle, I've missed him. 

"I've come to do Harry's bidding, but he didn't send me I just need to" He shrugs, going into my living room, I follow him and he takes a seat comfortably on the sofa.

"Right.. like he cares. I'm sure he's fucking someone else already, got a pretty new assistant yet?" I say sarcastically. 

"No, actually" Niall says eyebrows raised. 

"No?" I say, genuinely surprised. 

"Yeah, I'm as surprised as you, he's being a real little bitch about this, trust me it's getting boring" He rolls his eyes. 

"Also he misses your sex, like you were only just getting started" He smirks.

"Right.." I say, attempting to sound skeptical but I can't help my blush. 

"Honestly, I've never seen anything make Harry this put out" He says. 

"Oh.. Niall, you, know what he did.." I say softly. 

"Flora, Harry was messed up, like he's done things he regrets and he's not forgotten them yet, but you're important to him. He's never stuck with a chick as long as he has you. He has this weird like paternal thing over you, like why so protective, sorry if this sounds insensitive but he usually doesn't give a fu*k about the girls he sleeps with" Niall shrugs. 

"What's he done..?" I ask. 

"Well that's not for me to tell you.. that's for him.." Niall says. 

"Seriously!? Well he isn't gonna tell me now is he, I quit" I say frustrated. 

"Not officially, come back tomorrow. Nothing will have changed, he MISSES you!" Niall emphasises. 

"I don't know.." I attempt to say nonchalantly. 

"Fine, I hope to see you tommorow morning, and if I don't I'll be paying you another visit. You've got more control over Harry than you think, Flora.." Niall says with a wink, getting up and walking towards the front door that's still ajar. 


Sorry this chapter succkkkkkkssss it's kind of a dialogue chapter but important to the plot. ly guys. 

- Ro xxx

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