-Chapter 7-

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This absolutely bonkers that people actually like this story! I don't even know 2.5k people! Thank you for all of your support!!!❤❤❤

-The Author


Bruce's POV

Tony, Steve, Peter, and Bucky slowly leave, each kissing mine and the girls foreheads before going to wash up.I begin to look over the girl when Nat bursts in looking worried.

"What happened, Bruce? Was it the boys? Please tell me they are ok-"I cut off her rambling with a hug to calm her down.

"Darling, the boys found our last soulmate." I let her go and motion to the girl asleep on the bed closest to me.

"But, HYDRA was trying to kidnap her tonight, leaving her with injuries. I need your help with changing her into a medical gown and with some of the test I need to do to make sure she is alright. Can you do that?" She nods and motions for me to leave. I smile and step out into the hallway. A few minutes later, she calls me back in.

"You said that she was injured?"

"Yeah, Bucky had blood all over his hands from her back." I say slowly, confusion coloring my tone.

"I didn't see any major injuries, a few scratches on her back, quite a few bruises, but not much else."

"Hmm" is my only response. I gaze at our mates soulmarks that cover her body. To me, each one is beautiful, but she, she makes them all radiant. 

All of a sudden our new mate shifts and quietly whimpers in pain. The sound is heartbreaking and pulls me out of my trance. Nat brushes her mark on the girl's right ankle causing it to tint red slightly. The girl sighs, then rolls over onto her side. I see my mark, a radiation symbol, in between her shoulder blades, same as her mark on me.

I gently rub the mark trying to alleviate some of the pain. As I do I begin to notice scars covering her arms and legs. Even healed welts and fading bruises. I then notice two slits on her back. I rub them and am surprised to feel small bumps under the skin.

The more I look the more scars I notice that are littering her skin. One major scar spanning from he left shoulder blade to her right hip, makes me gasp.

"Oh my god! This poor girl!" Nat looks to where I am and she gets a look of shock also. I slowly inspect her and find a brand brand next to Bucky's mark on her right hip that says, 'Property of HYDRA' I step back in horror, unable to speak. Nat notices and looks closer. When she sees the brand, her eyes fill with tears, and she starts to sob. I pull her into a hug.

"Shh, babygirl. We will take care of her. She will never go back there." After a few minutes of me rubbing her back, her sobs turn into sniffles.

"We will keep her safe, I promise." She nods and pulls away, wiping her eyes.

We get to work running x-rays, taking samples and doing tests, trying to find as much as we could about her. We found out a lot of information on her health. We take notes as she sleeps peacefully. And once we are done I hook her up to a heart rate monitor.

After about an hour later, Steve and Bucky come in and sit down on one of the couches in the medical room, asking for an update. 

"We found some interesting things. For example, we found extra bones in her back as well as slits for some sort of extra limbs. I'm not sure what you make of this, though." They give each other a look.

"W-well, umm, she-she had w-wings, when we f-found her." Steve mumbles quietly, looking at his hands.

"What?! And you didn't think to tell me?!" He shrugs still looking down, his shoulders slump and shame written on his face.

"Bruce, calm down. It isn't our fault, we had just rescued our new mate from being kidnapped by HYDRA. WE were kinda shocked, its not really how we thought we would meet our missing piece."Bucky says, trying to reason with me. I sigh and sit down in a nearby seat and I put my face in my hands.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry Steve. I didn't mean to take that out on you. I'm just shocked to." Steve gets up and walks over to me. He kneels down down in front of my hunched figure and looks into my eyes.

"It's okay, Bruce, I understand. We all are." Just then Peter comes in looking worried.

"How  is she?" I stand up and help Steve get up.

"She will be okay, Peter, but there is some good news and bad news." They all look worried at my statement.

"Bad news first, like ripping off a band-aid."

"Well you might want to sit down for this then." He sits next to Bucky on the couch, looking expectantly at me.

"Umm, where do I start." I mumble to myself pacing slowly back and forth.

"However you can."

"Okay, umm, w-well our newly found soulmate. She seems to have, umm, w-well, she was a-apart of HYDRA." Looks of shock fill everyone's face except for Nat who just looks sad.

"H-how do you know?" Bucky ask, once he could finally speak. I grimace and shake my head.

"She-she has a brand on-on her r-right hip, a-above your m-mark." I say stuttering so much that I am nearly incoherent.

"W-Was there more?" Steve asks after a broken hearted silence.

"W-well let's just say, she wasn't there for tea parties. She has s-scars all over her b-body." My voice breaks on the word scars and my eyes begin to water at the thought of my missing piece being tortured and experimented on as we were happy. Steve sighs but nods.

"I had a feeling. So what's the good news?"

"Well so I did a few test, and it turns out that she has a few abilities. For example, super fast healing. I wasn't willing to try it at extreme levels but her blood samples showed quite a few-"

"Bruce, was there any other abilities that you found?" Steve asks cuting me off from my rambling.

"She does have wings as you both pointed out, but nothing that I could tell from any of my tests, and I wouldn't put it past HYDRA." They all nod and I turn to Nat.

"Nat, baby, could you go get our little mate a change of clothes for when she wakes up? And can you get Tony? I have no doubt that he is pacing our bedroom, going out of his mind with worry." She nods and leaves the room.

While shes gone I hunt down some blankets and pillows for us to camp out in here for the night. As we wait we set up. After about ten minutes, Nat and Tony come back. Nat puts the girls change of clothes in the bathroom and them we all snuggle up on the couch together, waiting for our newly found missing piece to wake up.


I really did try to finish it techniquely yesterday. Sorry!

Thank you for reading this chapter! And for all of your support! You all are amazing, wonderful, beautiful creatures!(I don't exclude the aliens!)Thank you again! I love you all!❤❤❤

-The Author

P.S. If there are any error or spelling mistakes, don't hate. I am exhausted! And I suck at english even though it is my first language! 

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