Partners (7)

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You promptly grabbed the chair nearby and struck it under the door knob. Ben went to the end of the room and opened the window to access the old apartment exterior staircase. You and Ben had seconds to leave the room.

"Go," you commanded. Ben didn't want to go first, but hearing your story a couple minutes ago made him realize you weren't going to be the first one out. Ben exited the room from the window, while you grabbed extra amo from a cabinet. By now you heard the door being slammed into.

You rushed out the window with the amo in your pocket. Ben was running down the stairs. Apart from having different training, you were trained to escape those type of situations. Without your usual bulky suit, you were able to catch up to Ben. You had no idea if they were already in the room, but you weren't going to look back to check.

Once hitting the cement at the bottom, you and Ben ran as far as possible. Eventually you turned your head after a minute and saw they were nowhere behind you two. "Ben," you panted over to him. He turned around and stopped in his tracks. You two ran at least a quarter of a mile before stopping.

You led him behind restaurant to have a private conversation. You grabbed your phone and dialed Tom. Ben still had to catch his breath.

"Any update?" you questioned as soon as he answered. "No. She's still with them. I've got an address as to where they might have her, but we're not too sure if it's a trap. Chase believes this was an inside tip, we're on our own," Tom said through the line. "Shit. I have to continue with mine. You know what to do," you ended the call.

"You have to continue what?" Ben inquired. You sighed and look up at him, "With my mission. My end goal isn't Emmanuel or Raul. I was after Christopher Sanders this whole time. That's why I was so cautious of your moves. Ben, I have to go back for Cassie. Remember, 'No man left behind.' You need to go with Tom," you handed him your phone.

"No," Ben shook his head a took a step back. "What do you mean no?" you asked perplexed. "You're not going alone. A few minutes ago we were basically talking about how we can potentially build something between us, and you want to go back and endanger your life? No, I don't want you to do that," he was serious.

"We'll it's a good thing I'm not asking. This is my job and my specific mission. Ben, you don't have the slightest idea of what I can do and how much I can do. This is my job, I can't leave Cassie behind and I have to gather more information on Sanders," you grabbed Ben's hand and placed the phone on his palm.

Ben looked at you then down at the phone. He knew arguing with you was not going to make any difference at all. "Fake information was kept in some drawers in case this ever happened. They probably have them by now and are waiting for one of us to go back and look for what's supposedly our information. Call Tom and get the hell out of Arizona. Go back to HQ with Chase," you held his hand to give some sort of comfort.

Ben pulled you in and gave you a kiss you would never forget. "You come back to me in one piece. 'No man left behind', oh and hurt those motherfuckers," Ben cupped your cheek with his hand and traced your lip with his thumb. "You'll have no contact with me whatsoever. It may take months for me to come back or weeks. This wasn't supposed to happen. Someone at HQ feed Raul information. Please be patient. Don't let Chase know what's going on between us," you kissed him one more time.

Ben gave you a hug without saying another word. You had to go back to the apartment and fool Emanuel and everyone he worked for. You know you're going to get hurt, maybe even badly, but you always came out alive. You departed from Ben's hug and looked him in his eyes. Ben's eyes yelled he was worried, but you had to do your job. You smiled once more before you turned around and ran back to the apartment.

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