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Liz doesn't know how long she sat in a frozen state below deck. Her men all sat in a circle around her, setting up a protective barrier as she cradled her cup of warm tea. A blanket had been wrapped around her shoulders for the 'shock' of the recent events. Liz had been deliberately hiding from Lord Williams who had eagerly tried to talk to her earlier. She couldn't bring herself to tell him that poor Henry had perished. Placing her tea on the table she covered her face with her hands. How was she going to tell Charlotte? This would kill her!

Higgs stood standing guard as he watched Liz's shoulders sag. She looked exhausted and fragile. The fiery spirit and tough exterior she had been bravely holding for the last couple of days was beginning to crumble. Aleixo looked at her then at Higgs raising his shoulders in his attempts of asking 'what should we do'. Higgs was just as clueless as the rest of the men. They could only hope that when they reached land they would be able to come up with a plan. A pair of boots echoed in their direction as Higgs glanced over to see the solider Jones looking uncomfortable in the doorway.

"Commodore Roosevelt has ordered for her Grace to meet him in his quarters" He told to Higgs uncomfortably. The men all instinctively stiffened as they glanced back to Liz. Breathing deeply she pulled her hands away from his face, there was a pregnant pause before she looked over at Jones with annoyance in her eyes.

"You can tell Commodore Roosevelt that I will not be ordered like some soldier. If he wishes to speak to me he can come and find me himself." Her words were slow and firm as Jones shifted uncomfortably on the spot.

"Uhhh you want me to tell him that your Grace?" He asked as Liz rubbed her forehead trying to wipe away the new headache that was forming in her skull.

"Tell him I am tired and that I do not wish to be disturbed." She whispered taking pity on the poor soldier who was shaking in his boots.

"Allow me your Grace to handle this for you?" Higgs asked she Liz tiredly nodded and waved her hand dismissing the soldier at the door. Higgs was calm as he followed after Jones, who seemed to be tripping over his own boots. He lead Higgs to the Commodore's quarters without utters a peep. He knocked three times before a sharp 'enter' came from behind the door. Opening the door he then stood out of the way and shut the door quickly behind Higgs as he entered. Jones did his best to not listen at the door but he couldn't help it.

"I didn't send for you!" The Commodore snapped irritated as he glanced up from his documents for a brief moment to see Higgs instead of the Duchess. His quarters were immaculately clean. Every book on his bookshelf was perfectly straight and organised in alphabetical order. His ornaments were perfectly straight and dusted, as the Commodore measured them out every morning and evening. Every page on his desk was perfectly straight and there was not a drop of ink out of place. Standing against the window, not daring to touch anything was Lord Thomas Williams as he kept looking over Higgs' shoulder for any sign of Liz.

"No you didn't." Higgs answered. He stood tall and straight with his hands clasped behind his back.

"Go back to your mistress and have her brought here!" The Commodore ordered in frustration, as he didn't even look at Higgs again. He had waved his hand in the air to dismiss Higgs, treating him like a lowly servant not worth his gaze.

"Her Grace is indisposed." Higgs responded which caused the man to pause at his desk.

"That woman will do as she is told." He snapped angrily, his face beginning to turn pink in anger.

"I believe her exact words were 'you can tell Commodore Roosevelt that I will not be ordered like some soldier. If he wishes to speak to me he can come and find me himself.'" Higgs couldn't help but smirk as he relayed her message. The Commodore's hands crunched down on the paper in his hands as he glared at Higgs. Higgs wasn't a man easily afraid as he happily met the Commodore's stare.

"Commodore perhaps we should let her rest. She has had a very taxing day." Thomas spoke softly trying to break the uncomfortable tension that was bubbling in the room.

"Women!" The insult was deliberate as it left the Commodore's lips. He thought very little of the female sex, they were weak, a nuisance, manipulative and downright useless. He was no fool and he would rather die before a womanplayed him for a fool. He knew the Duke was a private man and had seen him on several occasions in the past three years. He knew that even though he had not seen him for the last six months that he would have surely read something about him being married in the paper. He couldn't be married. The Commodore didn't like Liz, she was witty, smart, determined and held power. Everything he believed a woman should not possess. He wanted her to be a liar so he could have an excuse to get rid of her.

"May I be of some assistance?" Higgs offered as it broke the Commodore from his thoughts.

"Who are you?" He asked slowly, his eyes narrowing in on Higgs as he tried to figure out if he had seen this man before.

"Mr Geoffrey Higgs, Steward for his Grace the Duke of Devonshire." Higgs introduced as he gave a small bow of the head. Raising an eyebrow the Commodore couldn't remember if what he was saying was true. He never payed any attention to servants, they weren't worth his time. They were dirt beneath his boot.

"You are a long way from your post Steward." He spoke slowly, like a snake eyeing his pray before he strikes. He wasn't sure if he believed this man before him. If he was lying then the Commodore could have his fun and brand him a pirate and see him swung from the gallows. But. If he was telling the truth, the last thing he needed was to make a man as powerful as the Duke his enemy.

"I am exactly at the post his Grace has asked me to be." Higgs' answer was cryptic and deliberate. He did his best not to show his enjoyment of seeing the anger cross the Commodore's face.

"And what post would that be?"

"Begging your pardon but I don't see how that is your business?" Higgs' voice was firm. It was no ones business but his masters business. There was an uncomfortable pause as the Commodore huffed in annoyance. He knew that the Duke was a private man; he needed to play his cards right as the steward before him was not a man who would crack easily.

"But how did you find Elizabeth? Urh the Duchess? She was taken captive." Thomas asked with sudden interest as he quickly covered up his informalities.

"Please do tell." The smile on the Commodore's face was sickly sweet. He folded his hands under his chin looking at Higgs with interest. Lord Thomas had set a potential trap for Higgs without even realising it and the Commodore was waiting for him to fall straight into it.

"After word was sent word about her capture the Duke he had his men set sail looking for her. We intercepted The Enchantress the day before yesterday and were overpowered. The Duke's ship was not designed for war; he leaves violence in the hands of the British Navy. The men and I who were spared were taken captive ourselves before they destroyed the Duke's vessel. It was by mere luck we found her Grace in the brig." Higgs explained slowly, ensuring he added the right amount of detail but at the same time not giving anything away.

"Mere luck indeed. And what was your vessel called? The one that is now scattered across the ocean floor." The Commodore huffed with annoyance and suspicion at the perfect answer.

"The Duchess." Higgs didn't even hesitate as the Commodore let out a laugh.

"The Duchess?"

"It was named in honour of his wife." He replied.

The Duchess out of TimeWhere stories live. Discover now