Yall know my bf (aka da real alberto) a/n

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Sorry guys but he won't let me take a picture of him.... Jackass-
BUT he will do a CONVO with me.
Me: what should I do for my next scenario? No one's requesting....
Him: just go with your gut-
Me: N O- remember what happened last time? (So last time he told me that.... We got in trouble... dm me if u wanna hear the story or just request it-)
Him: I never in a millions years thought I could be grounded.
Me: BACK to the subject- should I do one where the reader and the guy do fireworks bc it's the 4th of July?
Him: no-
Me: wtf.... Why?
Him: no no no. What I meant was, you should make the reader scared!
Me: I have to correct your emails to your teachers so that you don't look like an ImBiCiLe and you're better at coming up with writing material than I am? Fuck you....
Him: I love u 2 boo!
Me: BTW~
Him: no! I don't like my face on social media (dis boi can read my mind)
Me: it's not social media!!!
Him: you create content and follow people who have no lives.....
Me: facts- but PLEASE!
Him: NO!..... *cue long silence that turns into a staring contest.... I won 😌💅* I'm sorry baby but I just can't.....
Me: no no.... I understand.
Him: I'll buy you ice cream?
Me: D E A L!

A/N (I'm sorry guys... he didn't want to....but at least I have more time to write more!!! Request Author's bf moments if you liked this!)

Alberto Scorfano x reader one-shots/BF scenarios.Where stories live. Discover now