Important notice

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Hello Guys,

I know I have been MIA this past year.

This past year has been really full of changes for me and I know it sounds like a whole lot of excuses. My university physical campus shut down last year and switched entirely online. I was against the idea of become full time online student and I had to transfer to another university. It has been so hard to adapt to this new university environment after getting to know all the people from my former university.

I surely have been having a hard time getting used to the new normal university life and surely being away from my former university friends has definitely affected me like crazy. I somehow started to feel lonely and simultaneously, I had to take in the stress of getting used to the new university environment.

That aside, the feeling of loneliness seemed to keep growing and growing. At this point, I started half-assing everything I had to do. I did the bare minimum in my assignments and barely felt like I'm learning anything. Somehow, I hate the current mindset that I was at.

Now I am slowly trying to get my life together and trying to get healthier mentally. So I am looking forward to writing again and keeping you guys informed about my books. I will let you all know when I'll be taking a break and I will be uploading.

I seriously feel so happy seeing all the loving and supportive messages that a lot of you sent me. It was truly motivating for me and helped me find some courage to keep writing.

What I have been doing these past months?

During the past months, I have been having my second year exams and that was pretty stressful to say the least. In all honesty, it was all very hard because I used to attend a French based university and had to transition to a British based university and not gonna lie, it was a big change for sure.

Besides that, I have been rewriting my first book that I have ever written on here: Billionaire's Love. I know this book has a lot of potential and I want to better this book because I know that I have grown a lot since then.

When to expect the new chapter of His Hatred?

I am actually already working on a few chapters and I will be uploading Chapter 34 latest Monday 12th July.

On that note, I hope that all of you guys are doing great even in these difficult time and I want to let all of you know how grateful I am for all the support you give me. Without all the love, I would have probably given up on writing entirely.

Until next time,

Love Mokshda

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