episode 13

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Hello my people of Wattpad. Before the story begins. I'm here to announce the answer of Gojira new height and the winners. So here we go. Play the dramatic drum please!

*plays dramatic drum*

I said which out of these four choices is Gojira heigh? The choices were.

A: 160 meters.

B: 180 meters.

C: 200 meters.

D: 220 meters.

And the answer is.

*dramatic music intensify*

Is C! 200 meters!

Congratulations HelloWattp4d101 CurtisStallings Galakca demonslayer123474
ErrolBeecher6 Jai624

You were the winners of my little game. Damn I feel like Jigsaw from Saw when I say that!

*Jigsaw voice* Do you want to play a game?

Hehe. Anyhow. Congratulation for guessing the right answer my friends and thanks for playing with me.

But you may ask, Blaze. Why 200 meters? Isn't Noah future Titan form 184 meters? She would be bigger than him?

Don't worry. I had a change of mind. I said in my head. Go big or go extinct. There for, for that reason and other reasons I made Gojira 200 meters tall. And what about Ghidorah? Is she going to be bigger than Gojira?

Yes, she well. She'll be bigger than Gojira once her metamorphosis is over. But it won't be by much.

And Noah? Well he be bigger than Ghidorah?

Yes, but it won't be by much either.

And the final reason why Gojira is 200 meters tall, because the final enemy in maybe season 5 I think, well be bigger than Gojira. The Mechanical Abomination.

Have fun guessing who it well be.

Anyhow. See you around.


Ethan and Asher were in a drift simulation, piloting November Ajax, going against a Category 3 Kaiju.

Code name: Knifehead
Category: 3
Height: 96 meters.

Rey(radio): The Kaiju is ahead of you. Don't fail the simulation.

Ethan: Roger that.

Rey(radio): Knifehead is a category 3 kaiju. Not a difficult Kaiju to handle. But not easy at the same time.

Asher: Understood.

Knifehead: GRAAAAAA!!!

Knifehead charge towards November Ajax.

Asher: Dodge it!

November Ajax dodge Knifehead and left punch Knifehead in the head and front kick Knifehead in the head. Forcing Knifehad to stumble back.

Ethan: Ha!

Rey(radio): Not bad you two. Landed two good blows to the head. But that won't be enough to kill it.

Knifehead: GRAAAAAA!!!

Knifehead begin to charge at November Ajax.

Ethan: Dodge it again!

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