Choir Concert

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Jared releases his arms and I take a step back. He smirks at me, then turns to go back to school. I smile back and turn to leave, but as I turn a familiar face cross my view. Jayden looks at me from across the school yard.

Disappointment and hurt spell across his face. He makes eye contact with me and I realize he just witnessed me and Jared. Anger starts to seep through the disappointment and hurt and he turns towards the school. His fists are clenched together.

I look after him in despair. I want to chase after him and tell him everything's okay, but my feet don't move. I think my decision over about leaving school and turn to walk home. I'd rather sit and watch Teen Wolf than go back to all that drama.

I spin in the mirror as I look at my outfit for tonight. I'm wearing the black dress that Jared picked out and I smile at the thought of him.

It's been hours since I got home from school when I left at lunch. Now it's about 6:00 and I have to get ready for my choir concert. My mom agreed to drive me, so we have to leave in ten minutes.

I have my long dark brown curls falling in a waterfall down my back. My make up is done well and I smile at myself. I want to be a singer when u grow up and I know that looks matter in the celebrity's world.

I have a solo in one song and my stomach twists with excitement. I give one last glance in the mirror and head down stairs, calling my mom.

"You look gorgeous, sweetie," my mom smiles at me.

"Thanks, mom," I reply. We walk out the door and over to our small car. The drive is short, since we only live a few blocks from school. The parking lot is packed, so we have to park a ways from the school. I have black heels on so my feet start to ache a little as we near the door.

Our school usually holds choir concerts in our auditorium. My mom heads towards the seating places and I go to the back door where I'm supposed to meet the class. The room is loud with chatter as I find my spot in line.

"Shush up! It's time to go on stage. Behave yourselves!" Our choir teacher, Mrs. Susan, yells. The noise dies down and the line moves forward. I don't have many close friends in choir, so I mainly keep to myself.

The songs we sing aren't my type, but anytime of singing is practice for my future. We file onto the risers and wait for the piano to start. In the time I have, I search the crowd for my mom. My eyes find her a little away from the front. I smile at her and she smiles back.

Suddenly, an all too familiar smirk catches my eyes and I turn my head to see Jared sitting in the crowd. My jaw drops slightly. What is he doing here?

My heart leaps into my throat as neves start to form in my mind. I'm not usually like this at a concert, but he's causing me to feel like this. Like I have to impress him or something. You don't need to impress him. Why would I care what he thinks.

A mark on his face catches my eye for a second, but I'm distracted when the piano starts. My attention is directed toward the choir teacher as the concert begins. I sing the correct words for the first three songs and my stomach twists as my solo nears in the forth song.

Sneaking a glance at Jared, I make my way down to the microphone. My hands tremble as they lay at my sides. The piano queues my singing and I move closer to the microphone.

"Feeling my through the darkness, guided by a beating heart," I sing. I quickly look down at my mom to see her smiling brightly, then at Jared who's smiles even brighter. Suddenly I feel a wave of confidence and I relax a little. My hands stop shaking and shoulders fall back.

"I can't tell where the journey will end, but I know where to start," I finish my solo and head back to my spot. The choir finishes the song and we exit the stage. The crowd starts to move and I see my mom walk out the back doors.

As soon as I get to the hallway I decide to look for my mom before the room gets too crowed since the concert is over. I weave through the crowd looking for the same dark brown hair me and my mom share.

As I try to weave around a woman and her child, my foot decides it wants to stop working. I trip and fall forward, letting out a gasp of surprise. Before I hit the ground I feel strong arms snake around my side, stopping me mid air.

I look up to see the smirking face of Jared while he helps me to my feet. I glare at him as he chuckles to himself.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"I'm saving you from the floor," he replies. I can't help, but smile at him.

"What if I wanted to give the floor a hug?" I counter. He laughs and I giggle with him.

"Good point," he says.

"So what are doing here?" I ask, curious to know why he'd want to see my choir concert.

"I wanted to see you sing. You said you wanted to be a singer when you get out of school, so I thought I'd see if you're any good," he answers. He actually remembered what I told him.

"One of my buddies told me you had a solo tonight. I was quite impressed," he compliments and I blush a little. I smile and look down at my feet.

"Thanks," I mumble.

"There you are. Well, hello Jared. It's nice to see you here," my mom says coming up behind me. I look up to see her smiling at Jared.

"Well, I have some bad news. The hospital called and they say they need me tonight. Would you mind staying at a friend's house?" She turns to me. My stomach drops. I can't go to my friends right now. I need to figure out a way to talk to them about what happened at school.

"Umm-" I start.

"She can stay with me," Jared interrupts me, with a glint of mischief in his eye.

Oh, boy. Here we go again.

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