Chapter 14- ride

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Chapter 14 - Swim

Celeste POV:

" Oh my fucking god that man is such a perv. I actually wanted to claw his eyes out" I scream as we walk into the bathroom.

" He has no fucking respect. I'd pour a whole bloody winery on him if I could"

I snort out a laugh and place my hand on Kiara's in attempt to calm her down.
She's always hated when men did that.

I mean who wouldn't?

" I'm gonna call Lorenzo to pick us up"

I take my phone out of my purse to dial "Golden abs".  A grin tugs on my lips as my eyes catch onto the name.

Fuck. Am I really smiling at Lorenzo?

" Hey" A small jump runs through my body as his voice echoes down the phone.

" Hello?" he repeats.

An edge of frustration runs through his words.

" Can you please get us the fuck out of here? I don't think I can spend a minute more with your father in the building and by we I especially mean Kiara"

" I'm coming now, meet back at the front" he answers. A beep sounds in my ears as he puts the phone down.

" Are you okay" Enzo asks as we wander down the road. His tone is surprisingly gentle, soft. He always seemed to be softer with me.

I peer behind Lorenzo to notice Raffe and Kiara still stood behind.
I'd left a book at the Range and Enzo offered to walk me there. So Raffe is taking Kiara home.

" Yeah I'm fine. It's just your fucking asshole of a father. You have every right to hate him"

He really was so fucking annoying.

" I'm sorry, Raffe and I should of never taken you to meet our father, especially since Kiara-"
His eyes snag onto mine as he tries giving me a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry she's used to it but it's still pretty fucking messed up. I think Kiara enjoyed pouring wine down your father though."

I breath out a sigh and turn my eyes back up along the narrow cobbled path.

"Anyways are you okay? You know because of your father-"
I glance towards him.

" Celeste it was just a dream. It's fine. I'm fine" 
He places his hand gently on my shoulder, as if trying to convince me.

" Are you sure, I've just never seen you like that..

" Cel it's fine ok"
This time he seems less patient.
" Just leave it"

" I'm sorry" I mutter.

" Sorry I didn't mean to snap. I get it your just worried Cel, but I've had..
He pauses for a second, swallowing deeply.
" Them, for years"

" If you want.. I'll check up on you tonight?"

He fixes his gaze onto mine. This time I don't turn away.

" I mean if you want Cel"

" So then Enzo" I grin.
" Where's the Range. You said it's close but we seem to be in the middle of nowhere"

" It's only a few more minutes"

" How do you even know your way around?"

" Raffe, Nik and I lived here for years. We used mess around at night in all these woods. I broke my leg probably around here"

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