Chapter 44

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Derek thought about Meredith the whole time he was in surgery. He was worried that she was hurting. He was worried that she would be mad that he wasn't there with her. Her staying with Ian was not on his list of wants. He didn't trust Ian. Ian was a snake. He was hoping they would get rid of him soon, but he wasn't holding out much hope. Derek sighed when he closed up his patient and walked into the scrub room.

"Can you tell Mer I won't be home tonight?" Izzie asked as she dried her hands.

"Oh. You're on-call?" Derek asked as he glanced up at her.

"Nope, I'm staying at Todd's." She said happily.

"Todd?" Derek said quickly.

"Yes, Todd. My boyfriend." Izzie stated simply.

"Oh, I thought you were will Karev." Derek said with a puzzled look on his face.

"Yeah, me and Alex, not so good. Just friends." Izzie replied happily.

"Oh, well, I will let her know." Derek responded. Izzie began to walk out. "Now what are we going to do for dinner?" Derek muttered to himself.

So Izzie is going to be gone for the whole night. And George is on call. And that leaves Ian. Not that it matters, Meredith is in no shape for any activities tonight anyway. He quickly dropped his head at the thought. Maybe I should grab some take out. He quickly went to the locker room and changed into his clothes. He couldn't wait to get home to see her. He had a stop to make first.

Derek frowned when he pulled up to the house. Ian's car was in the driveway. Even his stupid rental car was smug. He was hoping Ian had went to the bar, or a club. Anywhere but here. Here being caring and helpful. Meredith was the love of Derek's life, and he didn't want her to second guess that. Derek immediately smelled the scent of something good. It was wafting out of the kitchen. He followed the smell, carrying his bags into the kitchen. No one was around, but there was a pot of chicken noodle soup on the stove. He looked at it, wondering who made it. He shrugged as he threw the containers of ice cream he had purchased into the freezer. He needed to go up and check on Meredith. As he got closer, he heard Meredith giggling faintly. He knew it was Ian in there with her. He immediately felt a tidal wave of jealousy. He stood outside the room and listened.

"Remember that time that woman asked you to hold her four dogs. She told you not to let go. They took off running after a squirrel and dragged you through the park and you flew into the water?" Meredith said, laughing loudly.

"How could I forget that? It was horrible." He whined.

"You came out of the pond looking like a swamp creature. You were full of green ick." She said with a laugh. "You smelled so bad."

"Ah, yes, you made me undress outside." He said quickly.

"Of course I did, you were rancid!" She said with a laugh.

"Well, smacking me on the bare ass with that wet dish towel wasn't so nice, either." He said smartly.

"It was just there, begging me." She explained.

Derek's head dropped. They had memories together. It had never dawned on him that their relationship may not have been torture at every moment. Maybe Meredith would regret a divorce. But then again, he couldn't imagine her with Ian. He wasn't her type. Not to mention he had hurt her, badly. What he did with Nate was unforgivable.

"I wonder where Derek is?" Meredith said quickly. "I hope he isn't in surgery all night."

"You really love him, don't you?" Ian asked sadly.

"More than anything." She said happily.

Derek's face lit up after hearing those words. He quietly walked down the hallway and away from the room. This time he approached more loudly. All of his doubt was now washed away. He cleared his throat as he walked up.

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