Im not wearing my usual Lipstick

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Izuku POV

"Hey you guys!" I said as I walked in with a smile "Hey, Izu" Momo said handing a man his drink "You have counter again" "Cool".

"Thank you come again" I said as a woman smiled at me "You have such a curable smile" she said and that made me smile even more. "My original" Katsuki said and I smiled at him "Sure" I was overly happy these days and I hate to say it but im slowly falling for this man.

I gave the order back as we waited "Hows my little girl" I say, I've now referred to Mitski as my child because I take care of her a lot "Shes alright, still a spoiled kid" he said "I wonder who she gets it from" I laughed "Haha very funny" he said.

"Here you go Kats" I said "I like that nickname" he said moving closer to me "You're welcome" I said, moving closer not close though thank god there werent a lot of people. "Oh and Im doing work home for tonight" "Okay" I said moving back as my face got heated.

"See you" he said leaving and Asui kept 'ouing' "Guyssss its not like that. Im just his babysitter for his daughter" I said, right.......just his babysitter for bis daughter........

Time skip~~

"Mitski come back" I chased her as she chased the dog and Katsuki kept watching not having a care in the world "No I want the doggy" she said chasing it. "You're so energetic, Hey hey how about we watch a movie" she stopped "YAY A SLEEP OVER" she yelled and I face palmed myself "Sure-" "Pa come onnnn" she tried pulling him up.

"I have work baby girl" "No pa~" she wined "Fine fine" he said getting up, "Pa lets go to your room, my bed is too small" she said. "Mk Mitski" he said sighing. We got into the room and we sat on the bed "Izu move closer" she said and me and Kats were now arm touching.

"Mk" She hopped on my lap, im surprised she didnt huddle under her dad. "Pa play Trolls wait no the croods" she said and he played it, not even a whole hour in she fell asleep on my lap.

"Izu" He whispered and I turned to him "Hm?" "Stay the night" I was a little shocked "Okay" I said wrapping my arms around Mitski, I laid my head on his shoulder.

"Izuku, you seem like you have no problems, tell me your secret" he said and I laughed "This face you see everyday, well smile. Its all fake, im so used to making people feel loved I sometimes forget I need it too" I said looking down at a sleeping Mitski.

"I would have never guessed" he said as a unknowing tear fell from one lonely eye. He grabbed my chin as I stated into his eyes, We were leaning into kiss when he suddenly moved away.

"Sorry Izuku I dont know what I was thinking" he said and I put on yet another face smile "Its okay" I said turning my view to the TV.

Why did I think he would actually kiss me? Does he even like me like that, I guess it's one sided love......

3rd Person POV

Izuku of course didn't wear his usual lipstick, his happy face broke into peices as he uncovered what was really under it to his lover, well one sided love that is.

As usual he felt the pain of rejection that stabbed his heart over and over again. He only wishes he could find a love, one true to him so he could stop this washing machine heart.

Yet again for some odd reason one particular part in the song Washing Machine Heart, a verse rung through his head.....

"Baby, bang it up inside. Im not wearing my usual Lipstick~"

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