Chapter 19

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Just how?

I was just on my way home from that part-time job, which went ok I suppose. I was so glad they were desperate for new hires and the application I had sent to them contained nothing suspicious. I was so worried that they'd figure out my true identity but thankfully, everyone was busy to pay any close attention to me. Except for Katie of course, my senior who was showing me the ropes on how to make different types of coffee, how to serve, take orders, how to handle customers etc.

After leaving the Café, I went shopping for some snacks. After that, I was going back home when...I saw a familiar face. I think his name was...Ethan? Yeah, that's it. I remember that weird hair. He was carrying a bag of groceries and an umbrella. He looked deep in thought as he was coming in my direction. I didn't think much of it when I passed him but when he suddenly called me from behind, I was a bit shocked.

Did he? No way....he wasn't even looking at me!

Taking a deep breath and calming my nerves, I turned around and said "Yes?"

He stared at me for a second and then said it's nothing. Said that I reminded him of someone. Surely he was talking about me, right? I'm impressed that he even remembered me.

As I make my way to Riverdale street 3, I look at the people around me. A few kids are jumping on the puddles. Old women talking to each other on the sidewalk. Cars passing by. I stare at a distance towards the factory, it stands alone down near the lake. Ever since I was there, I've always been on high alert that some people might come in there and find me. But luckily, after I found the tunnel and many rooms in it, I've since moved all my stuff there. Time is running out. The police will reach me any day now. I need to hurry up and find Lydia.

I quietly sneak into the dark alleyway filled with trashcans. After taking a good look around to make sure no one was following me or coming this way, I go forward and push a trashcan aside, revealing a hidden trapdoor. I had figured that people may start to catch on if I keep going directly to the factory. Lifting up the lid, I open the trapdoor which reveals a staircase. I throw some nearby trashbags close to the trapdoor so it stays hidden later on. Hurriedly, I get inside and close the door behind me. I'm Suddenly met with pitch-black darkness. Turning my phone flashlight on, I start to move down those stairs. Once I reach the end I keep moving straight down the path all the while gracing my hand on the wall to find the switch.

Finally, I feel the tiny switch on the wall and turn it on. The sudden brightness stings my eyes. After adjusting to the light, I walk over to my room. As soon as I open the door, a strong scent of perfume hits me. Did I really put on that much when I left? I don't usually use perfume but for my current disguise, I'll need it.

I walk inside and put the plastic bag filled with food on the table. Carefully taking out both the lenses from my eyes and placing them back in their cases, I walk over to the bucket of water and wash my face. All that make-up drains away. As I rub my face on a towel, I think about how I need to be careful of Ethan. He clearly remembered me well. If we cross paths again he'll start to get suspicious. Not to mention he has good intuition too. Ethan is definitely someone I need to avoid.

And if he does figure me out and comes after me...I'll have no choice but to get rid of him.

I take off the wig and the wig cap along with the small clips. After untieing my hair, I sigh deeply in relief. My head feels so much lighter now.

After changing into something comfortable and warm, I walk over to my bag. I haven't used this one in a while. Opening the front pocket, I search for the lollipop that Ethan had given me that day. I had totally forgotten about it.

Right! This was it! The...spicy flavoured lollipop. He sure has weird tastes. As I get up, I unwrap the candy and walk over to the door. After getting out of the room and putting the candy in my mouth, I walk over to Jessica's room. Or maybe 'cage' seems more fitting.

I quickly Take the lollipop out as the mix of sweet and spicy flavour creates a weird taste in my mouth.

"Disgusting," I say and throw it aside in the tunnel.

I open the door and the first thing I see is Jessica curled up in the corner of the darkroom. Walking inside, I turn on the lights. She flinches to the sudden brightness.

"Enjoying the darkness?" I say to her.

She stays silent with her eyes on the ground.

"You know...Helen died today."

She looks at me with eyes filled with shock. "What?"

"I said Helen died today. I mean..yesterday since it's past 12 now. Got pushed off the roof. And guess by who? Lydia! The one and only!" I say mockingly as I sit on the chair.

She seems like she can't believe it. "No...that...that can't be true!"

"It sure is. I can even show you the news. She's killing your friends. She's a traitor through and through. So whatever deal you made with her, know that she won't hesitate to stab your back."

She glares at me "If I tell you anything, will you let me go?"

I smile "No. I won't. I need to pay you back."

"Look. I'm sorry for what I did alright?" She says with a crack in her voice.

"Don't you dare say that. I have no need for your empty apologies. That doesn't change a thing." I say sternly.

"I'm sorry for everything. But I will say this. Whatever's happening to you now, isn't my fault."

"You had a big role in it. You played your part well. Now it's time to face the consequences." I frown. I can feel myself getting frustrated.

"You really like playing the victim, don't you? Think you're innocent but still keep doing all these things to me. All for your own amusement." She smirks. And then I feel myself snap.

I get up from the chair. "I guess so. I need to see you suffer." I say as I start to come close to her.

"I want to hear you scream in pain. I want you to despair. To lose all hope. I want to see you cry." As I stand before her, I grab her arm and lift it up. It's covered in bruises from when I hammered her this morning. The way she winces and clenches her fist shows that she's still in pain. Maybe her arms broken?

"I want to see you afraid. I want to see what kind of expression you'd make as you feel like your dying." She screams when I kick her other arm. Yeah, I guess that's the one that's broken. Holding onto her hand, I start by peeling off the nail from her index finger.

Good thing these rooms are soundproof because her screams are really ear piercing. She tries to pull away her arm as much as she can but I simply kick her broken arm. She's too weak to defend herself.

"NO! PLEASE STOP!" She yells as I completely peel off the fingernail and throw it aside before moving on to the middle finger.

"Jessica. I know you may not understand this but right now...I feel like my true self. I feel no guilt or empathy. And you know, I'm gonna do the same to Lydia. But it'll be way worse and I'm going to savour every moment." With a little more strength, I manage to pull off this fingernail too and move on to the next one.

"STOP! I...I NEVER DID THIS TO YOU!" She yells. Face swollen red with tears.

I stop for a sec and look at her in the eye. I smile and say "I know"

And she continues to scream as I proceed to peel off every last fingernail on her hands and feet.

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