A Third Beginning

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It has been three years.

Another three years after Bela went home again.

Miranda did not ask for her reports about the mission. Odd, but Bela was glad at the time.

After three years, everything in Bela's life went back to normal, and her scars from the Ranch were gone once she was back to the castle.

Bela hopes nothing bad happens again.


Miranda suddenly calls for her.

Well, Miranda told her mother to call for her and bring her to another meeting of the Lords.

It's been at least two years since the last time she went, and that's all because their mother thought her and her sisters were obedient enough to go with her.

When Bela arrives she flies to her mother's side. Like before.

And she listens.


...the meeting wasn't what Bela expected.

Aside from her mother and Karl's bickering (that's uncommon), Miranda had announced that she would be leaving and be the one to take the place of a woman.

She never said who the woman was, she just said she would be away depending on how long she has to stay there, wherever 'there' was.

She said her goal is to take the baby in the household. She said it was going to be her new vessel once she comes back.

After the meeting, Bela wondered what the vessel would look like while she and her mother started to walk back to the castle.

Did Miranda give it mold powers again? Will it be like Eveline, artificially aged?

Bela hopes not, but that's what she expects.

With Miranda's leave in mind, she waits again.

But when Miranda left, Bela noticed that the deity let her lycans terrorize the village.

Aren't the villagers their food supply?


Well, Bela doesn't want to think that Miranda wants to kill her again.

And, there's always a reason for her actions.

Bela doesn't want to assume Miranda wants them dead but it is so painfully clear.

But at the same time she still doesn't want to admit that obvious fact.

Bela waits again.

She always waits.


After two months Miranda comes back with a baby in her arms.

It was cute, all huddled up in a small blanket, curiously reaching its arms up at Miranda's bird mask.

It turns out it also has mold powers.

And Miranda divided all of her mold powers in yellow flasks, and gave them to the four lords. Although the actual baby is most likely still in wherever Miranda placed it.

Bela knows because she was called to Miranda's lab again.

She saw Miranda put the baby back on its small makeshift crib.

The laboratory was dark, making her vision limited from what she can see so far.

But when she entered the first thing she heard was a baby giggling. Of course, she already knew where the noises came from.

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