Heroes Work is Never Done (Part 7)

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After the date... Can't even believe that I went on a date with Wonder woman. I went back home and rested. Not able to think much on the previous night, when I went out with Diana, I wasn't trying to impress her or anything like that...

We just spoke.

Now since a day has passed. I rushed through Gotham's streets, following a villain. I couldn't help myself but think of that night.

"Y/N focus!"

I looked to Spoiler and shook my head. She was following on the rooftops. While I chased after the crew on the ground. Quickly dropping my leg, I skidded across the road. My armour acting as my protection while my hands grasped at the truck.

Quickly spinning around, I placed my feet onto the concrete and stopped the truck in place. The wheels screeched. I would've picked it up if it wasn't for the cargo in the back. We finally understood what Ra's Al Ghoul was doing with those kids.

Spoiler: "I'm going for the driver."

Y/N: "Sure, no pressure

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Y/N: "Sure, no pressure."

Keeping the truck up in the air, I felt something wack against my head and looked up to see it was one of the goons with a large metal wrench easily half the size of his body. He pulled it back and looked at me. My mask had taken the brunt of the force. Revealing my eyes to him.

Y/N: "Really?"

He let out a scream and brought it down again, this time cracking it entirely.

???: "What the hell are you?"

Y/N: "Excellent question... Fus!"

My dragon shout sent him flying into the back of the truck. I saw the kids gagged and -chained to the floor. I snarled and picked the truck up, then smashed it into the ground destroying the tries.

Spoiler: "What was that!"

Y/N: "Nothing..."

I looked to the side and found Spoiler throwing out the goons, along with one other person. He had a scarecrow mask on and hobbled on the floor, holding his knee. I smirked and looked to the man in the back and pulled him out, placing him on the ground.

Spoiler: "Are the kids alright?"

Y/N: "Seems like it."

Scarecrow cackled out a laugh and turned to us.

Scarecrow: "You don't even know the meaning."

He raised his hands, spraying fear toxin. Spoiler pulled out her mask while I walked through it breathing it in. His cackle was so annoying. When my hand touched his face, he stopped laughing and realised I wasn't playing around.

Scarecrow: "How... Your mask!!!"

I took a deep breath of the smoke cloud and blew it out. Showing Scare Crow a slight grin.

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