11. Guitar

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Because I can't stay up anymore 👀


I was sitting at the cafeteria like usual with Frank blabbering on and on about something but I.. honestly couldn't care less ,

Because all my mind was on was Bright.. again.. arghhh I had worked so hard not to get him in my mind yet here he is again my three years gone to waste !

"Yo ! Win ! Hey ! " Frank said physically shaking me up making me groan and look towards him .

"What ?" I quipped .

"Woah what happened to you ?" He said and i rolled my eyes .

"Nothing what were you saying ?" I asked .

"Uh.. what was I saying ... Oh yeah ! Did you meet your roommate ?" He asked rather excited making me groan and roll my eyes .

"Why ? What if I don't want to meet my fucking roommate !huh!"

Arghh why is everything about bright ?

"Oo.. kay.. did something happen ?" Frank asked truly confused and I sighed shaking my head ,

"Nothing.. ~"

"So I'm guessing you've yet to meet your roommate... Uh .. you know what leave that ! Let's talk about something else " he said trying to cheer me up .

I sighed and looked over waiting for him to continue ,

He gave a big smile showing off all his teeth making me honestly scared of what's going on in his head .

"Why are you smiling like that ?" I said and he continued to smile .

"Drake messaged me last night" he said and i chuckled.

"Waaow good for you" I said .

This idiot is really smiling like that because a guy texted him .

"Our time slot is at 9:30" he said making me confused .

"Time slot ?" I asked raising an eyebrow while he gave an awkward laugh .

"Yeah.. "

"Time slot for what Frank ?"

"You know~" he gulped .


"Fine ! Fine ! For our lessons remember we talked about that yesterday !"

"Wait.. wait .. that's happening ? I thought~ what ? Are you really going to make me learn guitar ? Frank !!"

"Aau to get closer to Drake I need.. you win please you agreed yesterday ! I've even paid for you !!" He whined and I groaned .

"I don't care if you've paid or not ! Arghh Alright.. fine .. wait 9:30 ? PM ? Frank that's too late ! "

"That's the only slot that was left !! Win please na " he said giving me puppy eyes making me groan .

This asshole ,

"Plus I think it's for the best we can finish up our uni work and then go you know for classes !" He added and I nodded .

"Right.. it's absolutely perfect !" I said sarcastically making him give an awkward smile while I rolled my eyes .

"I owe y~"

"Ya think ?" I said cutting him off making him smile while I just rolled my eyes .

How has it only been a day ! A lot happened god damn it ! And now this .

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