Chapter 3

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"Now really isn't the time to be thinking about that, we need to get Ace out of there, time's running out."

We all turned grim as the horrifying reality dawned upon us. Aiden speaks with a new determination, all traces of playfulness gone from his voice, "We'll bring Ace back, he's our brother-"

" And we'll always be there for him, no matter what" I finish off. Hiro nods in agreement.

" Don't you know some spell that will disguise us as demons or those creatures from the dark side?" Aiden asks excitedly" We could enter hell disguised and no one would recognize us!!!"

" I am not sure I know any spell of that sort, and I'm a beginner witch!" I said annoyed at myself

" Why exactly do I pay for your classes?" Hiro asks exasperatedly.

" I only learn the important things, like how to summon those other worldly beings," And we know how that turned out! ," I don't think we have been taught how to disguise as of yet"

" Weren't you taught transfiguration or something?" Aiden asks, looking at me with his eyebrows raised.

" If you know so much about it, why didn't you take those classes?! And transfiguration is not really the same as transformation."

" Okay calm down, no use fighting right now, you should try summoning again, if someone can help us it's them"

I sat down with my materials again. I wonder whether it was me or my twin who was unlucky enough to summon Damien again.

" I told you I wasn't fulfilling your wish-"

" Look here mister, I don't have time for your tantrums, I have given you your sacrifices, twice! I demand that you give me what I want!"

Damien was taken aback, no one had dared to talk to him in this way in years I suppose, but I wasn't in the mood for his tantrums.

" Very well, ask for what you want and I shall fulfill it if it is under my capability"

" Now that's more like it, easy wasn't it? So I want you to make sure no creature in hell can identify us, in short give us some spell for transformation."

" You do realize you have been banned there don't you?"

" Just do your job will you?" I was annoyed with this guy, who even let him be an angel or whatever he was.

" Whatever" Damien rolled his eyes, the audacity of the guy. At last we got what we wanted, now it was time for shopping, for the ingredients, obviously. If this spell doesn't work I'm calling their headquarters or whatever they call it, there must be an incantation for that as well. 

A/N : Vote and comment if you like it!

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