Chapter Six

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Sunday morning comes too quickly, and Trey disrupts the little sleep I managed by calling and saying he's on the way.

I feel guilty, as I pull my tired body out of bed, that I don't want to see him.

The last forty-eight hours have been eventful to say the least. I don't want to make them more eventful by sparking an argument with my boyfriend.

I throw my hair into a messy knot on top of my head and stand in front of the bathroom mirror, removing the traces of last night's makeup.

As weird as it sounds, I feel like a different person. I know that's ridiculous, but I did something out of my comfort zone and agreed to a deal that I know will upset my family.

If they find out...

I groan as I dip down to spit out the toothpaste.

They'll find out. It's only a matter of time.

Maybe, though, just today I can sweep it under the rug a little longer.

"Hey, baby." Trey enters the apartment an hour later. He hands me the chai tea latte I requested and shoots me the smile that never quite reaches his eyes. "You look tired."

"I am."

I manage a meek grin, but it's the last thing I'm feeling. What has telling someone they look tired ever accomplished? Like, thanks. Now I'm tired and  insecure about my appearance.

"How has your weekend been? Have you just been hanging out here?"

"I hung out with Livi some." I also sang on stage, agreed to do it again the next night with a stranger and said yes to a record deal.

"Hung out with Livi? Did you drink?"

I sip my latte, cultivating the right answer. His pale blue eyes await my response, and he rakes a hand through his perfectly styled blonde hair. I guess since I'm avoiding everything else, the least I can do is tell him the truth about this.

"Yes. I had a couple drinks."

"Great. I'm back at school working my ass off and you're partying."

"It's not like that." I set my drink down on the kitchen counter, trying to keep my voice down since I'm sure Livi is still sound asleep. "I never go do anything with Livi. She's my best friend. You weren't here and I wanted one night."

"Oh, I wasn't here." He laughs, but not like anything is funny. "So if I'm not here you get a free pass to do whatever you want?"

"That's not what I said."

"That's what you implied. Fine, then, Josie. When you're not around, I guess I'll get a free pass, too. Wonder what I could do with that?"

Any guilt I felt about keeping information from him slowly fades away. If he can't handle me having a couple drinks with my friend, he's not ready to handle me pursuing one of my dreams.

"You go out with your friends." I point out, "Am I supposed to believe you never drink?"

"You're a girl! Do you know how dangerous that is for a woman? Not to mention the guys that would kill to be with you."

"What about the girls who try to get with you?" I counter, not sure why I'm even arguing. I'm not in the mood for disagreement, but I'm also tired of always being dismissed and talked over like I'm a child.

"This isn't about me, Josaleigh. This is about you doing something you knew would make me upset."

"Okay." I close my eyes as I exhale. "Trey, I had a couple drinks with my best friend. For the second time in my three years of college. I think I have a pretty good track record. Can we drop this, please?"

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