IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 9

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You know you wanna read my Author’s Note: People! I’m so happy right now! A) Someone (Georgette321 to be exact) called me awesome!! So many readers have called the story awesome but never me! So I thank you! B) I’m not much of a responder to comments, but TVD_Nikki95 if you reading this: I would love to read the story you based off of this! So send me a link and I’ll give it a peek! C) I found a Harry Potter like Dictionary! (http://harrypotter.wikia.com <---- actual website) D) This story has had 1,000 views *gasp*! E) If you type in “draco” for a theme, this story is on the first page! And F) I know what’s gonna happen and you don’t!

I Was Dared to Love You (A Draco Malfoy Love Story)

Chapter 9: Dancie Dancie?

--------| Draco’s POV |----------

            After Charms ended quite uneventfully, I headed off to eat a small lunch. Slipping easily into my seat next to Zabini and Goyle, I fill my plate with a few fruits and vegetables.

            “Eating healthy now, Malfoy?” Goyle snorted as he chomped down onto his spoon of pudding. Some dropped off the spoon and landed in his lap. Goyle didn’t even notice; just continued on his merry way to a place called Blocked Arteries Incorporated. My eyebrows furrow and my lips twist in disgust.


            They stopped talking, with the occasional grunt here or there as conversation, the meal went by smoothly. I wasn’t in the mood to really converse with anyone at the moment. I finished my meal in one serving while Goyle began his fifth and Zabini just chuckled. “See ya around, Malfoy,” he called as I left the table.

            Just as I got a few meters away from the table, something smashed into my gut. Something vaguely warm and breathing, as a matter of fact. I stumbled back a few inches, but then held my ground. Brown hair statically attached to my robes and two greenish eyes stared passed bangs. Glancing upward, I saw Granger and Weaslette skitter down the aisle and around to the front of the Hall to chat with Potter.

            “Well, well,” I decided to say in a cold voice. My mood had dropped even lower. She was mocking me, trying to be friends, as she so welcomingly called it. Friends? Really? How stupid did she think I was? Obviously there was something else going on. Granger and Weaslette are in on it too. “If it isn’t our little mudblood.”

            She stumbled back, a blush nearly murdering her face, and nervously lowered her hair in front of her face. Jesperson’s fingers began to twiddle, and I was getting annoyed.

            “I haven’t got all bloody day, you filth! What is it you want?” I snapped finally. Her eyes slipped upward, at first at me and then drifted beyond my left shoulder. There was a small amount of hurt in her expression but I shook it off, not letting it bother me.

---------| Violet’s POV |---------

            Okay, just because he had a reputation to uphold does he really have to call me filthy? I took a shower this morning! Shaved, shampoo, conditioned, soap, the works! Just as I was about to tell him off, a set of waving hands beyond his shoulder caught my attention. There was Ginny and Hermione waving like mad-women at the end of the Slytherin table. Gin held up one finger as I stared at them for a moment. Taking a muggle notebook from her bag and a thick muggle marker along with it she wrote in big lettering, “Read me!”

            Rolling my eyes, I send a small nod. She turned the paper over and wrote, “But act natural!”

            Oh, right, Malfoy. I looked up at him to see him staring at me. I stepped back a small step so I could both have better view behind him and so I wasn’t too close to his citrus scent.

            “H-hi!” I stuttered back with false enthusiasm.

            “Good girl!” I read from the notepad. Quickly, Ginny wrote, “How are you doing?” so I could read it.

            “How are you doing, Malfoy?” I said shyly. Okay, yeah I was still shy around people. I’m not one to just chat up a storm with someone I was going to dump soon. Using this shyness to my advantage, I shoved a lock of my hair behind my ear, so he could see how nervous I was.

            “Fine,” he snapped, colder than usual. Shocked at this, I gave a step back.

            “Shake it off! Say how you are in response!” I read off of Ginny’s notebook.

            “Oh, well. I’m fine too, I guess,” I whispered, glancing up at him. Malfoy looked back at me shocked. His eyes were a bit wider than usual and he blinked a few times.

            “Oh, well … er, that’s good, I suppose,” he grunted back.

            “Good Gryffindor!! Now ask him!!”

            ‘Huh?’ I mouthed.

            Hermione and Ginny both grinned. Hermione had a notepad of her own. In large scribbles hers read, “To The” in green marker. Ginny held hers up a couple seconds later. “Dance!!!” it read in thick gray markering.

            They then began to waltz together in the middle of the Great Hall.

            Oh, hell no.


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Love and fireworks,


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