The mistery

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I can't believe that someone record this... it's so beautiful, her voice,  the lyrics... She sing with so much passion, but who is it? Who was in my studio and record this magnific thing? Who is this girl? I have to find out!


Today I just have to work at night... again... I am so done to work at night,well at least I had the opportunity to play that beautiful piano and sing a little! 

Bip bip bip 

what is this? Oh is my phone:

 -Hi, is Mr.Jonas.

  -Hi Mr.Jonas, how can I help you?-I ask

  -I am calling because I need you in the building right now, it's very important! -say  Mr. Jonas with a very bossy tone.

  -Ok Mr.Jonas, but it's everything ok?- I question worried

  -More ou less, I just need you here for something...

  -Ok I'll be there in 20 minutes top!-I say and hang up

What happen? Did I do something wrong? Omg I hope that they didn't find out about me playing the piano. I cannot be fire!

20 minutes later

  -Mr Jonas I am here! What's the matter? - I ask almost without air.

  -Mrs Ramirez i need you to stay in this lines with this others housekeepers please. Mr.Jackson it's coming to ask you something.-he say showing me where I have to be and walking away.

What? Mr.Jackson? He means Michael Jackson? The most beautiful and talented man ever seen in this place that we call earth? Omg I think I am gonna pass out! I can't, focus Anne focus! But what he what with us?


  -Hi everyone, how you all probably know my name is Michael Jackson and I am here because someone accidentally recorded a music in my studio last night and I wanna know who that person is!-say Mr.jackson with a kind tone

It was me?!?!? I was cleaning one of the studios of Michael Jackson? If he find out that it was me he gonna fire me. Now he is asking us to sing for him individualy and it's coming my turn... what do I do? I can't sing, he gonna see that it's me and with that, I am sooo fired! Think Anne think!

  -What is you name?- he asks looking at me

  - Humm Anne Ramirez -I respond insecure

  -Well Mrs Ramirez can you please sing for me?-he order

  -Nop, sorry- holy shit did I just said no to Michael freaking Jackson?!?! That's it, I am officially losing it! 

  -Ah??!?! Why the hell not?- he asks, confuse.

Oh boy, what I gonna do, I think he is mad... my luck is unbelievable!!!! 


Why that she cannot sing? Is she the girl on the record? 

  -I can't sing, because....hummm....I have a problem in my vocal cords! -she says insecure

I am not buying this excuse, I look deeply in her eyes, and she is so beautiful and her eyes...oh her eyes are really something else. I am almost sure that she is the girl from the record, but if she doesn't wanna tell me I am gonna find another way to prove it!

  -Oh ok, I am sorry Mrs.Ramirez, you can go now.

  -Thank you Mr.Jackson!-she say while walk away

She is so fine bro! I just know what I am gonna do to find out if is her or not... she must love music and was her that wrote that lyrics of that song that I heard sooo

  -Jonas , I want that Mrs.Ramirez clean my other studio tonight, she cleans very well, but I don't want her to know that was me who asked for it ok?

 -Of course Mr.Jackson -he say.

-You can go now and I told you to call me Michael- i say with a smile .

  -Ok sorry Mr.... I mean Michael! - he corrects himself walking away.

She gonna fall for what I gonna do! If she loves music like me she not gonna stand see a music unfinished so that's what I am going to give her and see her finish her and singing her!

  -Frank, you know that love song that I can't finish?

  -Yeah man, what you want with her?

  -I want her in my studio, on the table, so i can find out who is the girl on the record.

  -How Mike?  Someone can steal the song! -say frank worried

  -Don't worry Frank, I am gonna be there, let everything with me, today I am going to find out who is this misteryous girl!

#hi babes, i am back with one more chapter, i hope you liked and i am sorry for the mistakes but I am not english, so is more difficult to me.
Love you all

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