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They weren't so talkative after that conversation. I think I either scared them off or they were tired from walking like me.

"Can I ask you something?" Hoseok asks.
"All you've been doing is ask me questions" I bring up.

"Sorry" Hoseok says, looking down. I sigh.
"You're not the first. Go ahead" I patiently say.

"Why are you traveling with us? You're going through a lot of trouble for people like us" he says.

I shrug.

"I suppose it's something to do" I say.

"So this is just a pass time for you?" Taehyung asks, trying to understand.
"If you had forever to live, what would you do?" I ask.

"You're asking us now?" Namjoon asks, somewhat surprised.

I nod. I've heard countless of answers before, even from different species.

"I'd probably continue to invent" Namjoon says. I look to the next person which happens to be Jimin. 

"Maybe explore" Jimin shrugs.
"Definitely discover the secrets of the universe" Taehyung grins. I gotta admit, this one's a different breed.

"Learn new cultures and languages" Hoseok says, thinking hard.
"Or maybe just dance."

"I'd try to become a vampire or something cool" Jungkook excitedly says.

"Sleep" Yoongi shortly says.
"You'd basically be dead at that point" I deadpan.
"That's the point" he replies.

"That's kind of depressing" Jimin says. Yoongi shrugs.

"And you?" I ask Jin, noticing he didn't give an answer. He takes a moment to think.

"...I dunno. All I know is I won't kill people just to pass the time" Jin says, not letting it go.

I leave it at that. I don't have to get into a discussion with this human. He can't possibly understand.

"Ok" I simply say, not caring all that much.

We travel throughout the entire day. The humans talk among themselves while I silently walk at the back of the group.

I didn't think they would try to enter a discussion with me again and that was fine by me.

"We'll camp here for the night" Namjoon announces.
"Great. We've been walking the entire day" Jin tiredly says as he sits down real quick. Yoongi soon following his lead.

"I'll get firewood" Jungkook says and starts walking away.
"Don't go too far. Someone go with him" Namjoon says and Hoseok is off.

"Is this really the best place to camp?" Taehyung brings up. We're currently in the middle of the woods, not much else around.

"If you see a cave then let me know" Namjoon sighs as he sits down himself.

I sit myself against a tree, not too far from the group. They chat among themselves.

Since I've been walking the entire day, I treat myself to a little music. I take out my flute and start playing.

I play a slow and steady melody, closing my eyes as I did so.

At some point, I opened my eyes again to see the group already asleep. I notice that it's a lot darker than before.

The fire was still going with Jimin staring straight into the flames. He looks at me.

"It didn't seem like you were going to stop anytime soon" Jimin tells me.
"I would've stopped if I'd known you all wanted to sleep" I mention.

"Aren't you getting cold?" he asks, noticing the distance between the group with the fire as the centre and me sitting against the tree.
"Not at all. You can sleep. I'll keep watch" I say.

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