oh god...

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I opened the door with Morgan standing behind it. My hand was clenched onto the inside gold handlebar.

"Y...y...yes? What's the panic?" Hotch hesitated and turned till he faced me. His eyes were watering like a small stream in a woods. " Reid. More evidence has come up and now. Well... We found your moms top... Covered in blood." he hesitated " its about 5 pints of blood, enough to kill a average woman. Were checking the blood for a match... Reid im so sorry."

A tear fell out of his eye and dropped onto the pale blue carpet. My hand got tighter. Morgan moved his hands and grabbed my hand on the handlebar. My whole body relaxed knowing that his hand was resting on mine.

I was speachless.

Hotch left and i was stationary under the door frame. JJ sat on the bed and patted the space next to her urging me to sit down. Morgan was pearing through the space by the hinges and let go of his grip. This made me go towards JJ. I sat down next to her and JJ grabbed my hand. "Mom is dead?" JJ's head bobbed slowly and she pulled my head to her chest. She hushed like Morgan did last night.

I cried.

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