Part 23

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As I enter the building, still grinning, I glance at the time. It's 10:57. Three minutes until curfew. I better hurry.

I notice that the elevator doors just closed and that it's going up. Shoot.

I didn't catch a glimpse of who just now entered, but it stops on our floor.

Curious. I wonder who it is.

I press the button, and the elevator whizzes its way back down to the lobby.

I get in and press the button for my floor. The elevator shoots up. When the doors open, I peer my head out and look up and down the hallway to make sure that no one is around. It's now one minute past eleven, and I am technically not supposed to be out of my room at this hour.

I tiptoe out of the elevator and toward my apartment.

"Stop right there," says a low, raspy female voice.

I freeze.

A tall, strong, girl with dark skin and long dark hair approaches me. She's wearing her golden jumpsuit, but she has a really cute pair of black boots on with it, along with an over-sized, off-the-shoulder thin, black t-shirt and a really cool black beanie with gold embroidery.

"Where are you coming from?" she asks.

"Um, I..." I stutter. "I was, um...out."

"Are you joking right now?" she retorts. "Details, Ishma, I need details."

How does she know my name?

Now she's facing me, a serious expression on her face.

"Well, I was out with some friends just exploring the city and then - " I begin but she cuts me off.

"Okay, I'm already bored," she responds. "If you don't have any juicy details to share, you can go."

"Wait, what?" I ask.

She sticks out her hand in the form of a fist, "I'm Rex."

I make my hand into a fist like hers and bump it, "I'm Karina."

"I know, I know," she says. "I've heard about you. We've all heard about you. How that kid killed himself and you took his place. Crazy stuff, yo."

"Yeah, I guess," I respond. Everyone knows?

"Anyway, I'm technically supposed to keep an eye out for a few of you newbies," she continues. "And, I'm definitely here if you need anything. But, I'm not a total stickler for the rules. Too much work. Plus, it would get way too boring."

"Just don't do anything too stupid," she adds. "And share juicy details and whatnot with me, and we're good."

"Cool," I reply, now walking toward my room again. "Nice to meet you."

"Yeah, same, K-Nigma," she responds. "Oh, that's our nickname for you here on Shinar, by the way. K-Nigma, The Enigma." She laughs.

I force a smile and hurry back to my room.

I open the door and notice that all of the lights are off. Eva must be asleep. I tiptoe around, quietly getting ready for bed.

Then, I slide underneath the covers, exhausted. Though, I am unable to fall asleep right away.

I really hope I get tickets to that concert. I need to meet Iggy. I wonder if Zayn will be able to get tickets. Oh Zayn.

I sigh thinking about our kiss under the moonlight. But then I look over at Eva. Is he doing the same thing with her, too? I can't help but be suspicious.

Her back is facing me, and her breathing is steady, like she's in a full, deep sleep.

I close my eyes and take long, deep breaths. In and out. In and out. In and out.

Eventually, I too, fall asleep.

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