Chapter 58

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Meredith moaned as she searched through her dresser for a pair of jeans. She had to fins just the right ones. Her favorite pair. Then it dawned on her that they were in the dirty laundry. She sighed and settled for a different pair. Derek was already done getting dressed and he was downstairs with Anna. It wasn't fair, it didn't take too much for him to get him ready. She pulled her sweater over her wet hair. Her jeans slid on easily, and she quickly walked downstairs. She smiled when she walked in the living room. Derek was down on the floor, coloring with Anna.

"What are you guys doing?" She asked as she put her hands on her hips.

"Coloring." Anna answered matter-of-factly.

"Oh..." Meredith said as she walked over and examined their artwork.

"Which one is better?" Derek asked competitively.

"Ah, let me see." She looked over both of their brightly colored pictures. Derek was perfectly in the lines. In fact, he had even shaded in different spots to show depth. It was absolutely perfect, and very typical of him. Anna's however was far from being in the lines, but cute, nonetheless. "Definitely Anna's." She said with a smile. Derek pretended to pout.

"Really?" Anna asked with a bright smile.

"Uh huh." Meredith returned. "Addison should be here any minute. You don't mind staying with her, do you?" Meredith asked.

"The lady with the fire hair?" Anna asked, causing both Meredith and Derek to burst out with laughter.

"Yes, the lady with the fire hair." Derek answered, shaking his head.

"Yeah, I like her. She is fun. We have girl time just like me and Izzie. Addison like to talk about clothes. Rada and-" She started.

"Prada?" Meredith asked with raised eyebrows.

"Yeah, that." Anna giggled. "She said she is going to take me shopping for real shoes. No more kid stuff!"

"Oh, you're growing up fast." Derek said with a laugh.

"Yep." Anna agreed. They heard the doorbell ring. Meredith walked over to answer it.

"Addison. Thank you so much. You really didn't have to do this." Meredith said as she led Addison in. Addison was carrying bags.

"Are you kidding me? I love it. Plus you and Derek need some alone time." Addison pointed out.

"Oh yes, parenting classes are wonderful alone time!" Meredith said sarcastically.

"Maybe not, but you two are going to dinner. I am going a gourmet meal for Anna and I..." Addison said happily as she raised the bags.

"What's gourmet?" Anna asked.

"It means it's going to be really good." Meredith explained. "You don't have to."

"Mer, she wants to. It's what Addie does." Derek said as he walked up and kissed her. "And we are going to dinner." He told her as he moved down to her neck.

"Oh mush!" Anna said as she covered her face.

"You better get used to that, Anna. They do it a lot." Addison said with a laugh as she walked over to the kitchen.

"Well, we're gonna to get going." Derek said as he placed his hand on the small of Meredith's back.

"Don't hurry back. And have a good time!" Addison yelled. Meredith and Derek could hear Addison and Anna giggling.

Meredith and Derek suffered through the parenting class. Derek made her sit in the back. She had been heading to the front, and he dragged her back. At first she didn't know why. Then he made it quite obvious. Derek would flash her a dirty smile, and she would just shake her head. Next he ran his hand down her leg and gripped her inner-thigh. She quickly clamped her legs shut and gave him a dirty look. She was trying to pay attention, but he was making it very hard. Sure the classes were helpful for some people, but ninety-nine percent of it was common sense. Derek didn't think he needed it and he was making it quite clear.

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