Back at Twenties

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Ryujin and I spent a lot of years together. Eight years as girlfriends, forty two years of marriage, best friends since then and so on, soulmates to infinity and beyond. A lot of years, as I've said.

We've been through thick and thin, from the problems best friends face to the craziness best friends do, from the turbulent side of a romantic relationship to it's smooth sailing sides, from the tribulations of marriage to it's beautiful parts.

We were surely better together.

I don't know where I am, but a vision is vividly playing in my head. It feels so real, I feel consciously real in this dream but at the same time I'm concious that it's all in my head.

I was on a couch. Christmas season was evident with it's atmosphere and the obvious and quite obnoxious Christmas decorations around, and that big ass Christmas tree too which was placed on the corner of the living room, adjacent to the fireplace. But the thing is... Christmas season was over. It was already March.

The calendar on the wall dictated so.

Oh, wait, I remember this. I was at my parent's house, preparing for Ryujin and I's wedding.

"Dear, don't forget to visit us okay? I know you'd rather much prefer the company of your soon to be wife but, we're your parents, we'd miss you so much. We don't ask much, just a little visit at least once a year."  It was mother.

"Ma, you're being over dramatic, we'll live only an hour away from here, and seriously? Once a year? Ma, we'd come here 24/7, we know how much my soon to be wife loves your cooking. And it's free food! There's a high demand for food but the supply is scarce! We're helping the economy!" I jokingly replied.

"Dear, both you and your mother blabbers a lot," It was father. "It's best if you get your butt to the car now, you don't want your soon to be wife waiting for too long at the church right?"

I eagerly nodded and headed to the wedding vehicle which then made its way to the church.

Right, I was getting married.

I was getting married to the love of my life.

Shin Ryujin.

And then there I was on the church, and on the other side of the isle, I saw her, my love, my soon to be wife, Shin Ryujin.

God, her beauty besotted me. Seeing her in a breathtaking white gown, accented by a little splash of golden fabric... God, I couldn't take me eyes off of her.

We both approached each other, our meeting point in front of the altar.

I smiled at her as she showed me the most prettiest smile the world could ever offer.

And just like that, with the priest saying his words and other rituals during weddings, he finally told us to tell our vows.

"I, Shin Ryujin, takes you; Choi Lia, not only as my wife, but as my best friend, my sister, my soulmate, my everything. My love, we've been through a lot of good days and bad days, and like then, I shall promise to stay by your side, through thick and thin. Through good times and bad times, till death and beyond. I love you."

God, I can never forget how beautiful my wife was that day. She was always beautiful though. But how she looks during that day really stuck to me, maybe because it was our wedding? I don't know. But one thing is for sure; she's the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on.

And then it was my turn.

"I, Choi Lia, take you; Shin Ryujin, as my beloved wife. I take you, accept you, and love you as who you were, who you are, and who you will become. My love, I will always  be by your side no matter what, through thick and thin, like you said. I loved you, I love you, and forever, I shall love you. Even after death."

And then we kissed.

It was a sweet loving kiss, slowly, yet passionate. We're married.

Friends, family, acquaintances celebrated our union. We were drinking, dancing, eating, having small talks and most importantly, my bride and had finally settled down with each other.

Time went by, and it was time for us to finally head to our home as wives.

And as we passed an intersection, everything went black.


Inside a vicinity, people were panicking, and everyone just gave out as they heard the noise of death, seeing the monitor have flat lined.

Not only one, but two hearts have completely stopped from beating.

"Patient name; Shin Lia, age; 67, time of death; 17:23."  Said a man from the surgery room.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the hospital...

"Patient name; Shin Ryujin, age;66, time of death; 17:23."

〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜 Hewoooooo

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